5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (2024)




5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (1)

Project Period:

August - December 2023


Virtual | Salamanca, Spain




Education Department


ASEF Young Leaders Summit





The ASEF Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS) is a Youth platform that connects young people with the Decision-Makers and Leaders from Asian & European countries.

The 5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS5) took place from August to December 2023. It focused on the theme of ‘Leadership & Society 5.0’ and incorporated 3 spheres for youth leadership: 1) self-leadership (you), 2) team leadership (we) and 3) societal leadership (all).

The 5th edition was a hybrid project with collaborative elements taking place online and in Salamanca, Spain.

It aimed to give #Youth the opportunity to:

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (2)

Receive Training from Experts

With a focus on Leadership and Society 5.0 from world-leading institutions and experts

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (3)

Collaborate in Diverse Groups

Bring your enthusiasm, knowledge and skills to propose solutions to real-life challenges facing society

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (4)

Contribute to Decision-Making

Bring the youth voice into the multilateral policy arena. Be Part of the ASEF Youth Leadership Report.

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (5)

Access an Asian and European Youth Network

Making life-long friends and opening doors for cross-regional collaboration and exchange


ASEFYLS5 brought together 94 participants and Navigators from across Asia and Europe.

ASEFYLS5 participants lead in a variety of areas, as young academics, young entrepreneurs, and youth associations.

This highly motivated cohort came from diverse academic and professional backgrounds, all with valuable perspectives to contribute to discussions and collaborations.



The ASEFYLS5 programme consisted of 3 phases with the aim to give participants the opportunity to learn, to collaborate and to turn theory into action:

We invited youth to an in-depth knowledge journey and peer-to-peer exploration into Asia-Europe relations, Leadership and Society 5.0, with a certified course and training. This phase was a month-long online programme with weekly sessions.

Highlights included:

  • Leadership training by Mr Anand CHANDRASEKAR, Center for Creative Leadership
  • The Impact of Digital Transformation on Our Future, by Dr Francesco MUREDDU, The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal
  • Industry Innovation for the Greater Good, by Dr Paul WANG, NEC Asia Pacific
  • Understanding Risks to Societal Resilience and Social Cohesion, by Sir Peter GLUCKMAN, Koi TU: The Centre for Informed Futures, University of Auckland
  • Ethical Challenges of Frontier Technologies and the Future of Life, by Dr Paula Boddington, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of West London

The Youth Summit physically brought together participants to engage in people-to-people dialogue exchanges, networking and learning in a local context in Salamanca, Spain. The 4-days-long onsite programme took place between 12-16 September 2023 in Salamanca, Spain, hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Spain, Casa Asia and the University of Salamanca.

Highlights included:

  • Keynotes by Prof Yuko HARAYAMA (Professor Emeritus at Tohoku University; former Executive Director at RIKEN in Charge of International Affairs, Japan), and Dr Lampros STERGIOULAS (UNESCO Chair on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Society)
  • Dialogue with Ambassadors on Society 5.0 Leadership Dilemmas in different country contexts, with Ambassadors from Malaysia, Australia, Spain and Japan
  • Panelswith Experts speakers from IE Business School, Ministry of Communications and Information Singapore, European Students’ Union, Spanish Scientific Council, UN SDSN Youth, UNESCO, ASEAN Youth Organization, AEGEE, Global Students’ Forum, UNESCO MGIEP, ASEAN Cham EU, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, SciTech DiploHub, Brussels Diplomatic Academy, European Space Agency, Spanish Exporters and Investors Club, Alumni Salamanca, España Mejor,
  • Launch of the “Youth Perception Report on Societal Challenges and Role of Technology”
  • Senior-Junior Leaders Dialogue on Policy & Decision-making for the Future of Society & Technology, with Mr Antonio LOPEZ-ISTURIZ White (MEP), Dr Victor NEGRESCU (MEP) and Mr Antoine RIPOLL (Director, Parliamentary Relations with South East Asia, European Parliament)
  • Peer-to-peer exchange and collaboration between participants
  • Cultural exchange through a cultural evening full of performances, traditional music, dance, song and food.

Participants turned theory into action and worked together collaboratively to find solutions for real-life challenge based on the ASEFYLS5 themes. The solutions were presented at an online closing ceremony in December.

The participants worked on the following challenges:

  1. Embracing Failure Creating a Safe Place to Fail, Learn and Innovate
    Presented by Mr Shuvro SEN, Head – Innovation Programs (Intrapreneurship), DBS Bank, Singapore
  2. Socio – Emotional Health in the Age of Generative AI
    Presented by Mr Mayank SHARMA, Associate National Project Officer, UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, India
  3. Recruiting for the New Equation
    Presented by Ms Cathy FRIDERES, Director, Government and Public Sector Consulting, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) Luxembourg
  4. Addressing the Issues of Misinformation and Disinformation in Polarized Situations
    Presented by Mr Francesco PANGALANGAN, Misinformation & Disinformation Adviser, International Committee of the Red Cross, Switzerland
  5. Encouraging Satellite Data Use
    Presented by Mr Michal BRICHTA, Director, Slovak Space Office, Slovakia
  6. Expanding Leadership Opportunities for Rural Youth in Laos
    Presented by Ms Keopanya SENGSOULIVONG, Project Coordinator, Pakse Youth’s Power, Laos

  7. Presented by Mr Claudiu SULEA, Vice-President, Group of the European Youth for Change, Romania
  8. Creating a Sustainable Hybrid Leadership Development Course
    Presented by Mr Anban Ashlan RAJ, Founder and President, World Youth Leaders Organisation, Australia
  9. Designing a World-Class Leadership Fellowship Program for Future Leaders in Indonesia
    Presented by Mr Yosea KURNIANTO, Leadership Development and Scholarship Lead, Tanoto Foundation, Indonesia
  10. Nutrition Challenge: Revolutionizing Nutrition in Developing Countries
    Presented by Mr Tergel ODGEREL, Chief Executive Officer, Phronesis. Mongolia

The Navigators are selected alumni from ASEF’s Education Department and partner organisations who will join the programme as resource persons. The Navigators Training brings the Navigators together for 4 days for capacity building in preparation for their subsequent roles.

Read the Programme here!

Watch the highlight video & livestreamed sessions:




ASEF Youth Report 2023

Stepping into Society 5.0: Youth Perspectives on Technology-Informed Societal Leadership

This report summarises over 8,500 young leaders’ perspectives from 51 Asian and European countries on the key societal challenges of our times, and how technology could be deployed to address them. The Report addresses two foundational questions crucial for shaping a more sustainable, digitally integrated future:

→ How can societies within Society 5.0 benefit from the inclusion, support, and engagement of young people in technology-driven leadership roles?
→ How can those in positions of power support young people on their leadership journeys in a world increasingly defined by Society 5.0?

Watch the launch presentation of the report findings here.


Interviews with Speakers at the Youth Summit of the 5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit

We interviewed 4 of our speakers at the Youth Summit in Salamanca, Spain, on the topic of “Leadership and Society 5.0”. Bringing their own unique perspective, the interviews explore topics such as individual preparedness for the technological challenges that come with Society 5.0 to the balance between the needs of individuals and institutions and community.

Learn more and listen watch the full interviews here.





Want to hear directly from the Participants and Navigators about their experience in the 5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit? Look no further than to ourMedium Blog, where you can find articles detailing the experience and learnings of our participants. Click the links below to access some of the articles directly.

You Are The Beginning, written by Navigator Klára SOMMEROVÁ (Czech Republic)

A Society Metamorphosis (?): Navigating Technology and the Future of Humanity, written by Navigator Yusril NURHIDAYAT (Indonesia).

To Love or Not To Love AI, written by Participant Mayabee ARANNYA (Bangladesh)

The ASEF Young Leaders Summit stands as a prestigious program that unites talents from both Asia and Europe, featuring influential speakers across diverse dialogues. It is a genuinely empowering initiative for young leaders, fostering a sense of encouragement and empowerment to effect positive change and give back to society.I've forged meaningful connections with young leaders from Asia and Europe, and this experience has empowered me to be a catalyst for change.


My overall experience of the Summit was excellent. The event was organised with painstaking care, while maintaining a degree of flexibility all along. It was the first time I took part in an event like this and I am truly grateful for this unparalleled opportunity to delve first-hand into fields that intrigue me so much within the broader framework of Asia-Europe relations, which has been my main academic and professional focus so far.


My journey at ASEFYLS5 in Salamanca was nothing short of transformative. The conference itself was a melting pot of diverse ideas and perspectives, bringing together young leaders from all corners of the world. The sessions and workshops were both insightful and engaging, covering a wide range of topics, from sustainability and innovation to global diplomacy and leadership skills. ASEFYLS5 in Salamanca was more than just a conference; it was a life-changing experience that broadened my horizons, expanded my global perspective, and equipped me with the tools to become a more effective and compassionate leader.

PhouphetLao PDR

It was a truly enriching experience for me, both on a personal and professional level. Being at one of Europe's oldest universities, engaging with a diverse array of experts, and connecting with numerous young leaders from Europe and Asia significantly broadened my horizons. Each day, I witnessed the tremendous effort put forth by the organizers to ensure the success of the event, and I feel profoundly grateful to have been one of the participants who benefitted from this opportunity.


My overall experience was undeniably unique. Engaging with individuals from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds proved intriguing and enlightening. The sessions covering a range of topics, such as the evolving role of Artificial Intelligence in shaping our future, the expectations associated with the futuristic concept of Society 5.0, and the imperative of maintaining balance while considering the concerns and perspectives of various nations across Europe and Asia, brought forth a multitude of distinct viewpoints and contemplative moments.


The Summit experience was very constructive as an ASEFEdu project. As one of the Navigators, I feel that I learned a lot from the ASEF organizers and the participants, who were eager to contribute and share their backgrounds and insights. The lasting impression of the Summit is definitely positive and enjoyable, getting to know about Leadership in Society 5.0, youth contribution for positive change and the local Spanish culture.


My experience at the ASEF Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS5) was truly enriching and transformative. During this summit, I had the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of young leaders from both Asia and Europe, which provided a unique cross-cultural learning experience. Through various sessions and discussions, I gained a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by rapid technological advancements. Overall, my participation in ASEFYLS5 has broadened my perspective on leadership, technology, and global challenges. I look forward to applying the knowledge and skills I gained to make a positive impact in my community and beyond.




In Partnership With

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (10)

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (11)

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (12)

Supported by

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (13)

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (14)

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (15)

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (16)

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (17)

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (18)

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (19)

ASEF’s contribution is made possible with the financial support of the European Union

Project Updates

5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (20)


Project Updates

Interviews with Speakers at the 5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit

26 Jan 2024

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5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (21)


Project Updates

90+ Young Leaders from Asia and Europe come together to discuss Society 5.0 | 12-16 September 2023 | Salamanca, Spain

26 Sep 2023

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5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (22)


Project Updates

20 youth leaders join ASEFYLS5 Navigators Training | 21-25 June 2023 | Singapore

23 Jun 2023

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5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (23)


Project Updates

How can Youth lead for the next stage of society: Society 5.0? Open call for participants for the 5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS5)

10 Jun 2023

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5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (24)


Project Updates

Meet the ASEFYLS5 Navigators!

25 May 2023

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Photos & Videos


ASEFYLS5 – Project Report


ASEFYLS5: Full Programme


Group 10 – Nutrition Challenge: Revolutionizing Nutrition in Developing Countries


Group 9 – Designing a World-Class Leadership Fellowship Program for Future Leaders in Indonesia


Group 8 – Creating A Sustainable Hybrid Leadership Development Course


Group 7 – Facing Digital Anxiety & Ensuring Digital Wellbeing


Group 6 – Expanding Leadership Opportunities for Rural Youth in Laos


Group 5 – Encouraging Satellite Data Use


Group 4 – Addressing the Issues of Misinformation and Disinformation in Polarized Situations


Group 3 – Recruiting for the New Equation


Group 2 – Socio-Emotional Health in the Age of Generative AI


Group 1 – Embracing Failure: Creating a Safe Place to Fail, Learn and Innovate


ASEFYLS5 Programme


ASEFYLS5 Speakers Booklet


ASEFYLS5 Participants Booklet


5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit #ASEFYLS5 - Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.