A Guide to High-Ticket Sales (2024) | Mighty Networks (2024)

In this guide to high-ticket sales, we’ll show you what high-ticket items are and why high-ticket products and services offer a competitive edge for your business. Then, we’ll show you the ultimate business model for making high-ticket sales.

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What are high-ticket items?

High-ticket items are products or services that have a large cost to purchase but are really valuable to the person buying. Unlike lower-priced products or services you pay for all the time, people usually buy high-ticket items infrequently (e.g. a car, an all-inclusive vacation, a house). This means that high-ticket items are special, and we often value them more because of the high price we pay for them.

Usually, we think of a high-ticket item as $1,000 or more.

By the same logic, a high-ticket product costs a lot but offers a lot of value. This is true for the examples we gave above, like your bike or that luxury vacation. But high-ticket products are also common online, as people create high-ticket digital products to share what they know. More on this in a minute.

Examples of high-ticket items

  • houses

  • cars

  • boats

  • degrees

  • vacations

  • retreats

A Guide to High-Ticket Sales (2024) | Mighty Networks (1)

High-ticket digital products

A high-ticket digital product is a high-ticket item that’s delivered in a digital form; for example, a high-end digital course, a coaching package, or a high-end virtual event. There’s a huge explosion of tech solutions and platforms for delivering digital products and services–the Digital Media market is projected to hit $627.7 bn in 2023. As a subsection of this, high-ticket digital products are growing fast too as more and more of us are comfortable with paying for high-end digital experiences or personal transformation.

A Guide to High-Ticket Sales (2024) | Mighty Networks (2)

High-ticket products in the digital space can also create a more profitable business for the creator or entrepreneur. A lot of online creators are trying to monetize by coming up with a cheap offer and selling thousands of them. This leaves them scrambling to get people in the door. And even if they do end up with the thousands of customers they need to make a living, they’re stuck providing customer service to those thousands of people, which they can’t afford to do because they charged so little.

High-ticket digital products fix this problem by providing stable revenue from a smaller customer base.

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What are high-ticket sales?

High-ticket sales are the process of selling a high-ticket product or service. Unlike mass-market sales, high-ticket sales are razor-focused on the ideal member, and qualifying a buyer is a huge part of getting to the yes.

We’ll go deeper into what high-ticket selling looks like below.

Why you should sell a high-ticket product or service

  • Get to profitability FASTER: A lot of brands think in scale. “We’ll sell millions of these!” But what if you could get to a profitable digital business with fewer customers? If you sell something for $5, you need to reach 200,000 customers to have a million-dollar business. If you sell something for $1,000, you can get to a million a year by selling 1,000. Creating offers like a high-ticket product or even high-ticket coaching lets you make the money you need with way less people. Then you can focus on making sure those who do come are successful. It’s a win-win for both the entrepreneur and the customer.

  • Use value-based pricing: Too many creators and businesses start by pricing things according to what they put into them. It’s a common rookie mistake, and it’s called the Labor Theory of Value. For example, if it takes you three hours to make a course and your day job pays you $30/hr, you should sell the course for $90… right? NOPE! Value-based pricing means pricing according to what a product is worth to a customer, not the time it took to create it. If your course helps a business owner generate an additional $50,000 in revenue this year, then it’s worth much more than $90 to them.

  • Better engagement: Would you believe that paying more for a product can lead to better engagement? In the psychology of consumption, people are more likely to use a product if they’re aware of a higher cost. People value what they pay for thanks to something called the “sunk-cost effect.” When people put money into something, they’re more likely to use it. Or–in other words–people value what they pay for.

  • Better transformation: When it comes to selling a transformational product like an online course or coaching package, this engagement leads to… better transformation! It’s counterintuitive, but paying more for something helps someone value it, which helps them use it, which helps them transform. And that’s why pricing something too low can actually hurt your members.

A Guide to High-Ticket Sales (2024) | Mighty Networks (3)

Two marketing models for high-ticket sales

The funnel

A funnel has been the dominant sales model in marketing both physical and digital products for a long time. It focuses on moving customers through four stages: awareness, consideration, conversion, and finally loyalty (which creates repeat customers and word-of-mouth promotion).

A Guide to High-Ticket Sales (2024) | Mighty Networks (4)

In digital marketing, the funnel has enjoyed a long ride. It makes it easy to reach mass users through paid social media and then to convert a small number of them into an offer. But if you’re running a funnel in the 2020s, you’re engaged in a mass, high-stakes competition with similar brands AND customers are frankly aware of what’s happening.

We all know the feeling of being sold to–and the “this is your last chance” messages don’t work like they used to.

Brands liked funnels because of their predictable revenue. For example, if you know you have a 2% conversation rate and you push 20,000 people through your funnel, you can be reasonably confident that 400 people will buy.

Funnels have their place, but there’s a way better method.

What is a high-ticket sales funnel?
A high-ticket sales funnel moves your ideal customer or member through a series of steps, losing people at each one until you serve up an offer to the percentage of people who make it through.

The community flywheel (better)

The community flywheel is an emerging business model that focuses on getting your supermembers into community with you and letting the conversations and engagement build the brand and drive sales. It was McKinsey that identified the community flywheel as the best way to build a brand in the 2020s.

It comes down to this. Your goal should be to constantly be converting your subscribers, followers, customers, or whatever, into members.

A Guide to High-Ticket Sales (2024) | Mighty Networks (5)

All those things are transactional. But members belong. Businesses who choose a member-led approach see a huge benefit in growth.

According to McKinsey’s study, flywheels require five things: Entering into community with your members, choosing “hero” products, bringing in a powerful brand story, and co-creating content with members, all of which lead to effortless transactions.

Unlike funnels, community flywheels can experience rapid member-led growth as your supers become your biggest promoters. AND unlike funnels, a community flywheel is a content engine that you don’t have to run (at least not entirely), since your members show up and create content and conversation for free–or even pay to do it.

If you’ve experienced thriving brand communities, you might have experienced a community flywheel.

For example, the women’s apparel brand Oiselle created a member community, Oiselle Volée, as a place for runners to come together and get inspired. The result is a community of 3,500 members who show up, support each other, create content, learn, and even generate new product ideas.

A Guide to High-Ticket Sales (2024) | Mighty Networks (6)

A community flywheel is the secret to building a thriving member-led business, and you can unlock it by giving your members something to belong to.

Funnels vs Flywheels: Which is better for high-ticket sales?

What happens to prospects who don't buy?

  • Funnels: They’re gone. Maybe they stay on your email list if you’re lucky.

  • Flywheels: Members stay in your ecosystem and buy when they’re ready OR find other offers they love.

Who does the selling?

  • Funnels: You do.

  • Flywheels: You and your members are both involved, thanks to member-led growth and word of mouth.

How does the sale happen?

  • Funnels: Through a high-pressure offer or slick marketing copy.

  • Flywheels: Effortless sales because your members are in your ecosystem ready to buy.

Customers move in a…

  • Funnels: Straight line (until they drop off)

  • Flywheels: Circle (staying engaged)

How do additional sales happen?

  • Funnels: Upsells or finding new customers

  • Flywheels: Engaged members look for more products and services (sometimes they even ask for them).

How does customer acquisition work?

  • Funnels: Keep spending money to fill the top of the funnel.

  • Flywheels: Member-led growth means that it grows organically through word of mouth.

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How to master high-ticket sales

Understand your Ideal Member

Every product needs an ideal user, customer, or member–but it’s even more crucial for high-ticket sales. Nailing this is the foundation of everything else. You obviously need someone who can afford what you’re selling, but you also need someone who sees the value and is willing to spend to get it.

We have a free training on finding your Ideal Member in our Mighty Community!

Get the high-ticket psychology right

There are different reasons people buy high-ticket products.

  • People who buy Bentleys and Rolexes pay for status.

  • People who buy high-ticket courses might pay for a transformation they can’t find anywhere else.

  • People who join a high-ticket mastermind might be about exclusivity.

It’s important to understand why people will pay for your high-ticket product.

Qualify leads

Somewhere along the line, you make sure you’re selling to the right person. For example, with a high-ticket course this could be a person who needs the transformation you’re selling. Say you’re selling a social media marketing course, you might want businesses that already have a product and revenue.

Lead qualification for high-ticket sales isn’t just about making the sale–it’s also about ensuring your members have the right conditions to be successful. Because successful members will become your supers, they’ll tell the world. You want them.

Create members, not customers

Customers are transactional. Members belong. Imagine you sell high-end BBQs. Which is going to help you sell more? Optimizing a funnel perfectly with Facebook ads? Or creating a membership community where grillers can come together, share ideas, recipes, and talk about the product. (Of course, you might do both).

Creating an environment where people feel they belong is what makes high-ticket sales work. That's member-led growth.

Exceed expectations

Of course, when you deliver a product or service, it’s important to make sure you exceed expectations too. The ability to create a “wow” factor is what creates the all-powerful word of mouth and drives member-led growth.

Choose the right business model

It’s so simple, but true. Mastering high-ticket sales isn’t about creating the perfect sales letter or copy. It’s not about setting fake deadlines to force “urgency” or pressuring your leads. That’s the funnel approach to high-ticket sales, and it’s becoming less and less effective.

The way to master high-ticket sales is to choose the right business model to begin with. When you choose a community flywheel business, you’re creating the environment where sales happen organically and–in McKinsey’s words–effortlessly.

And that makes selling a high-ticket product or service much easier.

Now Read: How to create your own flywheel

A Guide to High-Ticket Sales (2024) | Mighty Networks (2024)


Is high ticket sales real? ›

High-ticket sales are marketing strategies and techniques for marketing and selling high-ticket items. These upscale products are considered premium and often command a higher price tag due to their quality, exclusivity, or additional benefits.

How much does high ticket coaching cost? ›

The price tags we see (as we have access to thousands of communities and business models) tend to start at $999 and move up from there, with most landing in the $2,000 to $10,000 range, often with a few tiers which give more and more personalized 1:1 coaching.

Who is the king of high ticket sales? ›

DAN LOK “King Of High Ticket” (@danlok) • Instagram photos and videos.

Is high ticket affiliate marketing a pyramid scheme? ›

Selling real goods and receiving commissions for doing so is at the heart of affiliate marketing. It's not a pyramid scheme, then.

How hard is high ticket affiliate marketing? ›

At the end of the day, high-ticket affiliate marketing can be easier than low-ticket affiliate marketing because there is less emphasis on highly technical digital marketing techniques. It's relatively easy to convince someone to buy a high-ticket item if you genuinely believe in its benefits.

What does a high ticket sales coach do? ›

High ticket sales are when a coach sells coaching products or services for a high price tag. This can be anything from wellness retreats to year-long coaching programs. In most cases, the coach will offer some type of financing option to make the sale more affordable for the client.

What to include in a high ticket coaching program? ›

The support you add is what differentiates your high-ticket program from an online course and it's the biggest factor why your top-level clients decide to enroll. You could include for example weekly Q&A coaching calls, 1:1 sessions, personal feedback, a private podcast, Voxer chats or done-for-you services.

What is an example of high ticket sales? ›

High ticket sales involve selling products or services at a high price (usually over $1,000). Most of these transactions require buyers to make a large financial commitment. Examples of high-ticket items include luxury cars, real estate properties, high-fashion clothing, and specialized services.

How much do high ticket sales make? ›

The estimated total pay for a High Ticket Sales Closer is $136,152 per year, with an average salary of $73,299 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

How do you get leads for high ticket sales? ›

1 Offer a free consultation. One of the best ways to attract and qualify high-ticket leads is to offer them a free consultation or strategy session. This allows you to showcase your expertise, understand their needs and goals, and demonstrate how you can help them achieve them.

Who are high ticket clients? ›

High-ticket clients are less concerned about the price and more worried about the value/benefits of the product. Low-ticket clients are more concerned about price. They can compromise with the value but are highly price-sensitive. They expect a higher level of customization from the products/services.

What are high ticket affiliate products? ›

High ticket affiliate marketing is a legitimate business model in which you promote and sell expensive products or services for another company and earn a commission for each sale. You can make more money from fewer sales, but you also need more trust and skill to convince your audience.

Is high ticket setting legit? ›

Although the buzzword high ticket closing is commonly used by internet scammers, the concept of high ticket selling is legit.

How much is considered high ticket sales? ›

The price range may vary depending on the industry. Talking of the B2C eCommerce industry, the price range of $200-$1,000 could be considered a high-ticket sale. Of course, it could go even beyond $1,000 — but then, it becomes much harder to sell those items if you're not a known brand already.

How do I know if my ticket is legit? ›

Another way to check the authenticity of your airline ticket is to look for security features. Many airlines use holograms, watermarks, and other security features to prevent fraud. You can compare your ticket to a sample ticket on the airline's website to see if it includes any of these features.

Is high ticket dropshipping good? ›

High-ticket dropshipping has its pros and cons. In one sense, it's an attractive option for entrepreneurs who are inspired by the Guccis and Pradas of the world but don't want to invest heavily into inventory. In another, it's a form of dropshipping that has inherent risks.

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.