COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (2024)

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  • ecclesiastic COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (7)
  • computer COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (8)

But dairy cows need 100 pounds of food and 25 gallons of water every day to survive.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (9)لكن تحتاج بقرات المزارع مئة باوند من الطعام و25 غالوناً من الماء يومياً لتحيا

Cows need the right nutrients to stay fit as well.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (10)تحتاج الأبقار إلى العناصر الغذائية المناسبة لتبقى لائقة أيضًا

Cows need up to 120 liters of water a day to feel good.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (11)الأبقار تحتاج إلى ما يصل إلى 120 لترا من الماء يوميا لتشعر بالراحة

We have got a 120 milk cows that need that grass and clover.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (12)لدينـا 120 بــقرة تــحتـاج إلى العشب والبــرسيم

We need to milk the cows.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (13)نحن بحاجة إلى حليب الأبقار

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Astrid wrote a separate article on the subject andthe article got the typical heading"Cows and pastures need each other.".

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (20)استريد كتب مقالة منفصلة حول هذاالموضوع وحصلت على المادة عنوان نموذجي"الأبقار والمراعي بحاجة الى بعضنا البعض."

The cows have finally escaped from the island, but now they need to build their own city!

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (21)فظيع الأبقار 2الأبقار وأخيراً هربت من الجزيرة، ولكن الآن أنها بحاجة إلى بناء مدينة خاصة بهم!

I need to talk to Dad.-Go in, he's milking the cows.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (22)اريد ان اتحدث لابي استمر ذهب لجلب بعض البقر

The cows needed to be milked.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (23)الأبقار بحاجة لمن يحلبها

No, I need dead cow, like, as soon as possible.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (24)لا،أنا بحاجة لبقرة ميتة في أقرب وقت ممكن


The milking time is different between cow and goat, for each cow,the milking time need about 5- 6.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (29)الساعة حلب يختلف بين البقر والماعز، ولكل بقرة، وهي المرة حلب تحتاج إلى حوالي 5-6

Bangladesh needs more than 3 million cows to meet the demand; around 1 million cows are sourced from within the country, and the rest are legal and illegal imports of cows from neighboring India.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (30)تحتاج بنجلاديش إلى أكثر من 3 ملايين بقرة لتلبية الطلب؛ يتم جلب حوالي مليون بقرة من داخل البلاد والباقي واردات قانونية وغير قانونية من الأبقار من الهند الشقيقة

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And that cow needs some white!

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (31)وأن البقر يحتاج إلى بعض الأبيض!

Who needs a cow,

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (32)من يحتاج للبقرة؟

Mommy is a cow who needs a quiet talk with the doctor.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (33)بقرة؟ أمك بقرة تحتاج إلى التكلم بهدوء مع الطبيب

A cow needs to eat eight to nine pounds of feed and drink almost 8,000 liters of water to create just one pound of meat.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (34)تحتاج البقرة لتناول 9 أرطال من الغذاء وشرب ما يقارب 8000 لتر من الماء لإنتاج رطل واحد من اللحم

I-I don't really want a cow, but I guess if one needed a home.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (35)II لا تريد حقا بقرة، ولكن أعتقد إذا كان أحد في حاجة إلى المنزل

Bulls and cowsneed to get together before it starts snowing.".

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (36)يجب أن تتآلف الثيران والأبقار قبل أن يهطل الثلج"

The wood needs a-cording and the cowsneed a-milking.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (37)الخشب يحتاج للتجميع والأبقار تحتاج للحلب

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But sometimes even sacred cowsneed to be slaughtered. With the refugee crisis turning Schengen into a threat to the credibility of the EU as a collective entity and of its national governments' ability to maintain order and the rule of law, that time is now.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (38)ولكن في بعضالأحيان قد يكون حتى ذبح البقرات المقدسة أمراً لا مفر منه. ومع تسبب أزمة اللاجئين في تحويل منطقة شنجن إلى تهديد لمصداقية الاتحاد الأوروبي بوصفه كياناً جمعياً وقدرة حكوماته الوطنية على الحفاظ على النظام وسيادة القانون، فإن هذا الوقت يصبح الآن

I will need ten cows.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (39)ساحتاج الى 10 بقرات

Get those nutrients you need leave the cholesterol in the cow.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (40)إحصل علي المواد الغذائية التي تحتاج إليها، وإترك الـ(كولسترول) بالبقرة

However, in their intended purpose, they are different, so you need to carefully look at which cows this feed is intended for.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (41)ومع ذلك، في الغرض المقصود، فهي مختلفة، لذلك تحتاج إلى النظر بعناية في الأبقار التي تهدف هذه الخلاصة إليها

You need to study because I'm gonna slaughter you like a sacred cow.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (42)بل أنت بحاجة لدراسة. لأني سوف أذبحك مثلما أذبح البقرة الخائفة

I think it also says that if you eat beef, you need to live with cows for three months and drink their urine.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (43)أيضاً يقول أنك إن أكلت لحم البقريجب أن تعيش مع البقر لـ3 أشهر

Insurance of cattle(cows and buffaloes) milker and fattening of the private farms and the insurance requires a list of the herd number need to be insured and that all cattle be numbered, and the preview before issuance.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (44)التأمين علي الماشية(أبقار وجاموس) الحلاب والتسمين للمزارع الخاصة ويستلزم التأمين كشف بعدد القطيع المطلوب التأمين عليه وأن تكون كل رأس ماشية مرقمة ويتم المعاينة قبل الإصدار

I think you need to give it back to the cow and apologize. Well, they didn't actually live long enough to be considered cows⁣ . Technically, it's a veal suit.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (45)برايي يجب ان تعيدها الى البقرة وتعتذر لم يعيشوا مدة كافية ليصنفوا ابقارا تقنيا, تُعتبر بدلة عجل أمي, قبلت بهذا كمعروف لكِ

I told you, cow. We need cannon fodder.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (46)لقد أخبرتُكِ أيتها البقرة نحتاج لفدائيين

We don't need no cow, Miss Scarlett.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (47)لسنا بحاجة لأي بقرة يا سيدة سكارليت

Unless you need milk. Then you really need a cow.

COWS NEED Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (48)إلا إذا كنت في حاجة للحليب، حينها يجب أن تكون بقرة

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COWS NEED  Meaning in Arabic - Arabic Translation (2024)


What is the Arabic name for cow? ›

Arabic animals vocabulary
EnglishStandard ArabicTransliteration
cowبقرة (ج) بقراتbaqara (pl.) baqaraat
bull, oxثور (ج) ثيرانtoor (pl.) tiiraan
calfعجل (ج) عجول3ijl (pl.) 3ujuul
buffaloجاموس (ج) جواميسjaamuus (pl.) jawaamiis
81 more rows

What is the Islamic name for cow? ›

AL-BAQARAH (the Cow) has been so named from the story of the Cow occurring in this Surah (vv. 67-73).

What does baqaratun mean in Arabic? ›

(2:68:13) baqaratun. (is) a cow. قَالَ إِنَّهُ يَقُولُ إِنَّهَا بَقَرَةٌ لَا فَارِضٌ وَلَا بِكْرٌ عَوَانٌ بَيْنَ ذَٰلِكَ (2:69:13) baqaratun. a cow.

What is the importance of cows? ›

Uses of Cow

Cows are raised as livestock for meat, milk and hides to make leather. In countries like India, cows are considered sacred and their milk is widely consumed.

What is the cow in Islam? ›

Surah 2:124-137 - The Cow - Al Baqarah (The title of this surah refers to an argument between Moses and the Israelites over a cow they should sacrifice in order to make known the murder of a slain man. This is the longest of all the surah, numbering 286 ayah or verses.

Why is the surah called the cow? ›

Themes of the Surah: It encourages people to develop life on earth and establish Allah's way and explains the different types of people that exist, the principles of faith and the foundations of the sacred law. Explanation: The Surah is called the cow because it contains the story of the cow of the Israelites.

What did Muhammad say about cows? ›

“You can check the hadith [the sayings of Prophet Mohammed] too, and you will find out that when he was served cow meat, he asked that it be taken away. He said, “Gosht bimari hai, doodh aur ghee shifa aur ilaaj hai [Cow meat spreads illnesses whereas milk and ghee are healthy and a cure for diseases].”

What is the word for cow in the Quran? ›

Cow (بقرة) is one of the animals mentioned by name in the Quran. The cow is mentioned in several verses of the Quran. Cow is referred to in verse (12:46) of chapter (12) sūrat yūsuf (Joseph):

What is the significance of cow in the Quran? ›

[2.72] And when you killed a man, then you disagreed with respect to that, and Allah was to bring forth that which you were going to hide. [2.73] So We said: Strike the (dead body) with part of the (Sacrificed cow), thus Allah brings the dead to life, and He shows you His signs so that you may understand.

What is Khara in Arabic? ›

What does “khara” mean in Arabic? It means poop or stool خَراء . It can be used as description also for something bad, and it's slang word. You can say for example : food like poop / Khara أكل زى الخراء to describe some rotten or bad food.

What is the meaning of haya? ›

Haya is mentioned often in hadith passages, where the word is used to express shyness, modesty, and decency.

What does Al Hara mean in Arabic? ›

“Al-Hara” means neighborhood in Arabic, but Radio Alhara's community isn't defined by any geographic boundary.

What does the cow symbolize? ›

In many human cultures, cows symbolize fertility, generosity, motherhood, the origins of life, and they're related to serenity. Cows, and their male counterparts, are recurring presences within mythologies and ancient religions. The cow is an animal, yes, but it's also a powerful symbol, myth, and metaphor.

Why are cows special? ›

The cow, a revered animal in Hinduism

It represents Mother Earth, as it is a source of goodness and its milk nourishes all creatures. Krishna, a central Hindu deity, is often portrayed in stories recounting his life as a cowherd and referring to him as the child who protects cows.

What do we need cows for? ›

Cattle are raised to produce beef, veal, and dairy products.

What is the proper name for a cow? ›

Cattle (Bos taurus) are large, domesticated, bovid ungulates widely kept as livestock. They are prominent modern members of the subfamily Bovinae and the most widespread species of the genus Bos.

How do you say cow in Lebanese? ›

We have seen that the Arabic word for cow is written ﺑَﻘَﺮَﺓ and pronounced baqara. It follows the pattern verbal noun form 1.

What does butta mean in Arabic? ›

The Urdu Word بوٹا Meaning in English is Herb. The other similar words are Jari Booti, Nabat and Butta. The synonyms of Herb include are Additive, Condiment, Distillation, Essence, Quintessence, Relish, Sauce, Seasoning, Spirit, Tincture and Zest.

What is labna in Arabic? ›

Labni, Arabic: لبنة) is a white Middle Eastern yoghurt. cheese made from cow milk. Labneh, a word derived. from the word 'laban', the surname labahn or laban.

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.