Division of Police (2024)


Division of Police (1)The history of the Jersey City Police Department dates back to 1829, and today consists of nearly 975 uniformedofficers, 200 crossing guards, and 200+ civilian employees dedicated to the safety of Jersey City's residents and visitors. The recent officer hirings have not only helped with increasing police presence and therefore the deterrence, detection and solving of crimes, but also thefostering of active relationships between police and the community,openinglines of communication, and recognizing citizens as a crucial component in combating crime.


As Of 8/25/24

2024Shooting Incidents - 21
Shooting Victims -28
Homicides - 5
Shooting Incidents - 39
Shooting Victims - 47
Homicides - 9

Shooting Incidents - 36
Shooting Victims - 45
Homicides - 10


As of June 30, 2024

Division of Police (2)



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Division of Police (3)The South District begins in the middle of Liberty State Park at the Hudson River and extends to Jersey City’s southern-most border with Bayonne, then westward to the Hackensack River.
\nThe South District arranges regular meetings with neighborhood block associations and holds community meet and greets throughout the year. It partners with the Department of Public Works on a massive yearly neighborhood clean-up and organizes holiday events – Halloween’s Trunk or Treat and its annual turkey giveaway on Thanksgiving.


South District Commander - Captain Patrick Sullivan


(201) 547-5456

191 Bergen Avenue
\nJersey City, NJ 07305

\n","active":false,"disabled":false},{"paneId":"ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl30_divTabs_2","title":"East District","content":"

Division of Police (4)Jersey City’s East District covers the downtown Hudson River waterfront from midway through Liberty State Park to the northern most boundary of Jersey City at the Hoboken city border and westward to Summit Avenue.
\nThe East District has focused on building relationships with the community through Choices, a partnership between Jersey City Public Schools and school psychologists who work with at-risk students, holding the popular Coffee With a Cop gathering, organizing monthly meetings with Ward E and F neighborhood associations, and coordinating a yearly coat drive. It maintains on-going efforts on pedestrian safety.

\nEast District Commander - Captain Iris Cruz\n

\n(201) 547-5408
\n207 7th Street
\nJersey City, NJ 07302

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Division of Police (5)The West District’s borders extend from Ege Avenue, west to the Hackensack River and north to Sip Avenue.
\nThe West works closely with the Jersey City Department of Health and Human Service providing services to Jersey City’s homeless population. The district organizes a massive yearly Christmas toy drive and participates in Chat for Change – a city-wide effort to create positive relationships between the JCPD and Jersey City residents.
\nWest District Commander - Captain Joseph Olszewski
\nExecutive Officer - Lt. Ahmed Azmy


\n(201) 547-5450
\n(201) 547-5077
\n1 Jackson Avenue
\nJersey City, NJ 07304

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Division of Police (2024)


What is the highest police division? ›

Chief of police is the highest rank in a police department, with the exception of large departments like New York City, Los Angeles, or other major cities, which may have a police commissioner or superintendent, although these alternative positions typically aren't sworn officers.

What is the most important division in a police agency? ›

The Patrol Division is often referred to as the backbone of any police department. The Patrol Division is the the largest division, and most visible symbol of law enforcement, within the Police Department. Its primary responsibility is to provide uniformed law enforcement service to the community.

What are the two major divisions of any police department? ›

Divisions within Each Agency: Law enforcement agencies, whether they are federal, county, state, or municipal/city, generally have jobs available within two major areas: 1- Commissioned and 2- Civilian.

What divisions are in the LAPD? ›

LAPD Divisions
WEST VALLEY10136,316.9
17 more rows

How many police divisions are there in the US? ›

According to the FBI, there are more than 18,000 local police departments in the United States. 1 These departments are subject to different state, county, and city laws and codes, and they have different policies, practices, and officer training programs.

What is the lowest police rank? ›

The ranks in police lowest to highest has its specific duties and responsibilities, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the police department.
  • Police Officer / Patrolman / Constable.
  • Corporal.
  • Sergeant.
  • Lieutenant.
  • Captain.
  • Major.
  • Deputy Chief.
  • Assistant Chief.
May 20, 2024

What does division mean in police? ›

Police Division means that division of the department of public safety responsible for providing law enforcement services in the city and the operation of the city jail.

Who is most powerful in police department? ›

The Director-General of Police (DGP) is the highest post in the Police force. He reports to the Chief Secretary of the state and sometimes directly to the Chief Minister of the state.

What does 3 stripes on a cop mean? ›

Sergeant: Three chevrons, a police officer who supervises an entire watch shift in smaller departments and areas of a precinct and individual detective squads in larger departments.

What does the 6 letter police mean? ›

Police. Polite Obedient Loyal Intelligent Courageous Efficient.

What does SWAT stand for? ›

SWAT stands for Special Weapons And Tactics. This unit is highly-trained and provides 24/7 response to: barricaded persons. active shooting scenes. high risk search warrants.

What division is military police? ›

The United States Army's Military Police provide an important function in the full spectrum of Army operations as a member of the Maneuver, Fires, and Effects division.

What's the highest rank in police? ›

The chief of police is the department's highest-ranking officer. The chief of police manages the police department and is responsible for maintaining efficient operations within the department.

Is a detective higher than a police officer? ›

Rank and authority

The detective role is generally a promotion for a police officer , so detectives have a higher rank in the workplace. In some jurisdictions, detectives can have authority over patrol officers. In other areas, detectives have a higher rank but no more authority than police officers.

What division is the LAPD SWAT? ›

The LAPD Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team is renowned worldwide as one of the foremost police tactical units in contemporary law enforcement. These highly trained officers provide a ready response to situations that are beyond the capabilities of normally equipped and trained Department personnel.

Which police ranking is highest? ›

Highest Rank in Police

The Director-General of Police (DGP) is the highest post in the Police force. He reports to the Chief Secretary of the state and sometimes directly to the Chief Minister of the state.

What are the levels in the US police Department? ›

Comparison of Municipal, Country, and State Police Command Structures
Municipal: ChiefCounty: Sheriff
Municipal: Deputy Chief/Assistant ChiefCounty: Undersheriff/Assistant Sheriff
Municipal: CommanderCounty: Chief Deputy
Municipal: CaptainCounty: Captain

What is the highest ranking US police officer? ›

CHIEF OF POLICE. The Chief of Police is denoted by the four silver stars on the uniform insignia. The Chief of Police is the highest ranking officer in the agency and is considered the department head. A Deputy Chief of Police is denoted by the two silver stars on the uniform insignia.

Is chief higher than captain? ›

Yet another step up, police captains report directly to police chiefs—or in the case of large departments, deputy police chiefs, as they manage and direct activities of the department. Captains train personnel, prepare and monitor programs and budgets, and enforce department policies.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.