Elections 2024: Barry Andrews, Regina Doherty, Lynn Boylan and Aodhán Ó’Ríordáin elected as MEPs in Dublin (2024)


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Ciarán Cuffe speaking after losing his seat as an MEP in Dublin

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Analysis: Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael neck-and-neck but a disastrous result for Sinn Féin As dust settles, it looks like Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil couldn't be closer in both local and European elections. Fianna Fáil’s Cynthia Ní Mhurchú is on course to nick a Fine Gael seat in Ireland South. But Fine Gael sources now believe they can get Nina Carberry and Maria Walsh over the line in Midlands North-West. That would put both parties on four EU seats each. Both parties have made mistakes though. By picking a Cork-based running mate for Fine Gael MEP Sean Kelly, rather than somebody from Leinster, Fine Gael has missed an opportunity to be in the running for a second seat in Ireland South. And, by splitting their vote in Midlands North-West across three candidates, Fianna Fáil has absolutely wasted an opportunity to take two seats. Meanwhile, Sinn Féin is in serious trouble in Midlands North-West Their sitting MEP, Chris McManus, is totally out of contention and his transfer won’t be enough to get Michelle Gildernew into play either. Disastrous result. Kevin Doyle

Midlands North-West Luke 'Ming' Flanagan looks set to return to Brussels after topping the poll in the first count in the Midlands North-West constituency. Meanwhile, just 20 votes separate Barry Cowen (Fianna Fáil) and Nina Carberry (Fine Gael), who has outpolled Maria Walsh (Fine Gael). Mr Flanagan received 78,214 first preference votes. He was followed by Fianna Fáil candidate Barry Cowen at 73,908 votes, and Fine Gael candidates Nina Carberry and incumbent Maria Walsh at 73,888 and 71,476 votes respectively. Former RTÉ correspondent Ciaran Mullooly (Independent Ireland) was in fifth place with 57,297 votes. Sinn Féin candidate Michelle Gildernew was in sixth with 45,807 votes. No candidate was deemed elected as the quota for election is 113,325 and counting of ballots continues. While it seems certain after the first count in Castlebar that Independent MEP Mr Flanagan will get a seat, there is definitely one Fine Gael seat and one Fianna Fáil seat. After that, Fine Gael will be fighting for a second seat, with Ciaran Mullooly and Michelle Gildernew. Notably, Fianna Fáil has the most votes overall but by splitting them between three candidates, they may have ruined their chances of a second seat. There are a total of 27 candidates fighting for five seats in the massive electoral region which spans 15 counties. Other hopefuls include Aontú leader Peadar Tóibín and unsuccessful presidential election candidate and entrepreneur Peter Casey – who are in 8th and 11th place respectively. Fianna Fáil’s campaign in the constituency has been marred by infighting, as border region hopeful Niall Blaney accused the party leadership of throwing him and Lisa Chambers “overboard” in favour of Mr Cowen, who brings strong name recognition to the table. Mr Blaney placed ninth with 30,387 votes. Mr Mullooly, who would have been tasked with covering several election counts throughout his career with RTÉ News, said he had deliberately avoided the count centre until Monday evening. The Independent Ireland candidate, who said he was nervously waiting to see if transfers could secure him a seat, added: “I hate counts, I hate election counts. I have done for years.” Quota: 113,325 Seats: 5 Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan (Ind) – 78,214 Barry Cowen (FF) – 73,908 Nina Carberry (FG) - 73,888 Maria Walsh (FG) – 71,476 Ciaran Mullooly (Ind Ire) – 57,297 Michelle Gildernew (SF) – 45,807 Lisa Chamber (FF) – 44,069 Peadar Toibin (Aontu) – 40,742 Niall Blaney (FF) – 30,387 Chris McManus (SF) – 29,427 Peter Casey (Ind) – 21,102 Eavan Murray and Kevin Doyle

European Elections - Ireland South: MEP Sean Kelly tops the poll Fine Gael's Sean Kelly has topped the poll in the Ireland South constituency with 122,777 votes, surpassing the quota of 114,761. He has won his fourth time as an MEP, having been first elected in 2009. The former GAA president celebrated the news with family in the Nemo Rangers GAA Club count centre, where he was also on grandfather duty. Outgoing Fianna Fáil MEP Billy Kelleher is also set to be returned to the European Parliament with a first preference vote of 91,074. He is expected to be elected after several counts tomorrow. Clare-based Independent Michael McNamara is poised to clinch a Euro berth after a strong first count of 56,339 votes. The final two seats are expected to be decided in a tight battle between five candidates. Mr Kelleher will be elected on transfers over the early counts - with a remarkable aspect of the Ireland South count being the heavy level of transfers between the top Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil candidates. Political analysts said it was "extraordinary" that Mr Kelly and Mr Kelleher were, in certain ballot boxes, transferring better to each other than to their running mates. "Fianna Fáil will remain as the largest party of local government" - director of elections Jack Chambers It comes as Fianna Fáil edges ahead of Fine Gael in the race to be the largest party local government. Fianna Fáil Director of Elections Jack Chambers said he is confident the party will remain the largest in local government when all the votes are counted. Fine Gael said earlier today it had the largest number of first preference votes in the local elections. “As Director of Elections, I have been reviewing the counts and seat numbers all day and I now have growing confidence that Fianna Fáil will remain as the largest party of local government when all the votes are counted and the full democratic process has concluded,” said Minister Chambers. “We are in a really strong position as the final seats are declared.” IRELAND SOUTH Electorate - 1,345,792 Total Poll - 713,323 Spoiled Votes - 24,759 Valid Poll - 688,564 Quota - 114,761 Seats - Five CANDIDATES - FIRST COUNT: Blighe, Derek (Ind) - 25,071 Bogue, Lorna (Rabharta) - 8,788 De Barra, Graham (Ind) - 4,575 Doyle, Christopher (Ind) - 3,530 Doyle, Susan (SD) - 20,229 Fitzgibbon, Mary (Ind) - 6,281 Funchion, Kathleen (SF) - 50,580 Gavan, Paul (SF) - 22,392 Hourigan, Niamh (Labour) - 21,272 Kelleher, Billy (FF) - 91,074 Kelly, Sean (FG) - 122,777 Lahive, Ross (Ind/IPP) - 4,461 Leahy, Michael (Ind/IFP) - 12,259 McGurk, Una (Ind) - 6,387 McNamara, Michael (Ind) - 56,339 Mullins, John (FG) - 35,281 Murphy, Patrick (Aontu) - 14,124 Ní Mhurchú, Cynthia (FF) - 55,209 O'Riordan, Ciaran (Ind) - 2,477 O'Sullivan, Grace (Green) - 47,661 Prendiville, Cian (PBP) - 6,243 Punch, Eddie (Ind) - 20,751 Wallace, Mick (Ind) - 52,803 Ralph Riegel

EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2024: Track all the live results here

LOCAL ELECTIONS 2024: Track all the live results here

Eoghan Moloney

European Elections Dublin - All seats filled

Barry Andrews, Regina Doherty, Lynn Boylan and Aodhán Ó Ríordáin have been elected as Dublin's MEPs to the European Parliament.

Independent Ireland candidate Niall Boylan was the final person eliminated from the race, as outgoing Green MEP Ciarán Cuffe's votes were redistributed and boosted Ó'Ríordáin to the final seat after a long three days of counting at the RDS Simmonscourt.

Gabija Gataveckaite

Elections 2024: Barry Andrews, Regina Doherty, Lynn Boylan and Aodhán Ó’Ríordáin elected as MEPs in Dublin (1)

Eoghan Moloney

Limerick Mayoral Election - Breaking

Independent John Moran has become the first-ever directly elected Mayor of Limerick.

The Dooradoyle native beat beat another Independent, Helen O'Donnell, to the post.

Cian Ó'Broin

Eoghan Moloney

European Elections Ireland South

The eighth count in Ireland South saw Clare-based Independent candidate Michael McNamara pick up the largest number of transfers.

He secured 1,088 transfers from Independent candidate Una McGurk, bringing his total to 58,897.

Ms McGurk, who is a barrister from Kenmare, Co Kerry was eliminated in this count. Her 8,328 papers will be distributed in the next count.

Billy Kelleher (Fianna Fáil) looks set to be elected tomorrow. He is currently on 93,959 votes and is a considerable distance away from the quota of 114,761. It will take a number of counts for him to reach the quota.

He is followed by Michael McNamara (Independent) on 58,897; Cynthia Ni Mhurchu (FF) on 57,144; Mick Wallace (I4C) on 55,967; Kathleen Funchion (Sinn Féin) on 52,106 and Grace O’Sullivan (Green Party) on 49,289.

Incumbent Sean Kelly (FG) remains the only candidate elected. He was elected in the first count.

Olivia Kelleher

Eoghan Moloney

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Local Election: Final results

No change after Blackrock and Killiney-Shankill recounts

And we're done!

As the Blackrock recount has concluded this morning, there has been no change to the poll as a result.

Another recount for Killiney-Shankill has finished this evening and also won't change the outcome of the election.

Now, here is the full list of elected councillors for the next five years in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown:

Blackrock (6 seats)

Marie Baker (FG)*

Dan Carson (FG)

Michael Clark (FF)

Maurice Dockrell (FG)*

Conor Dowling (GP)

Martha Fanning (LP)*

Dundrum (7 seats)

Shay Brennan (FF)*

Anne Colgan (Ind)*

Anna Grainger (FG)*

Robert Jones (GP)

Sean McLoughlin (Ind)*

Peter O'Brien (LP)*

Jim O'Leary (FG)*

Dún Laoghaire (7 seats)

JP Durkan (FG)

Mary Fayne (FG)*

Lorraine Hall (FG)*

Melisa Halpin (PBP)*

Thomas Joseph (Labour)

Tom Kivlehan (Green Party)*

Justin Moylan (FF)*

Glencullen-Sandyford (7 seats)

Kazi Ahmed (FG)*

Kevin Daly (Ind)

Pierce Dargan (FG)

Michael Fleming (Ind)*

Lettie McCarthy (LP)*

Tom Murphy (FF)*

Oisín O'Connor (GP)*

Killiney-Shankill (7 seats)

Jacqueline Burke (FG)

Jim Gildea (FG)*

Hugh Lewis (Ind)*

Frank McNamara (FG)*

Dave O'Keeffe (PBP)

Carrie Smyth (LP)*

Lauren Tuite (GP)*

Stillorgan (6 seats)

Liam Dockery (FF)*

Eva Elizabeth Dowling (GP)*

John Hurley (Soc Dems)

John Kennedy (FG)*

Maeve O’Connell (FG)*

Barry Saul (FG)*

Adrianna Wrona

Eoghan Moloney

European Elections Midlands-Northwest

The results for the 9th count of the European Elections for the Midlands-Northwest constituency have been announced which saw Labour Party candidate Fergal Landy being eliminated with the lowest vote count of 7,350 votes.

Up to this point, 11 out of 27 candidates have been eliminated: Justin Barrett (National Party), Anthony Cahill (The Irish People Party), Stephen Garland (IND), Charlotte Keenan (IND), Fergal Landy (Labour Party), Margret Maguire (Ireland First), Brian O’ Boyle (People Before Profit), Daniel Poco*ck (National Party), James Reynolds (National Party), Michelle Smith (IND), and Gerry Waters (IND).

Mr Landy's votes will now be redistributed.

Neha Kumari

Eoghan Moloney

European Elections DublinFollowing his election as an MEP in Dublin, Fianna Fáil’s Barry Andrews said that people responded to his positive campaign.

He said: “I am very excited to start the work in Brussels. I have a very positive mandate now from the people of Dublin to do the work.

“Hugely relieved. We waited a few days but I waited eight months the last time so it was really brilliant.

“I want to thank all the people in the count centre for their patience and their professionalism for carrying out the count. It’s a very arduous task but they did it brilliantly and their communication was fantastic. I am really grateful to them.

“We ran a positive pro-EU campaign.

“There was a sense that there is a growth in extremist ideology on the fringes of the political spectrum and we presented a much more positive agenda and I think people responded to that.”


Eoghan Moloney

European Elections Dublin

Fine Gael’s Regina Doherty has said it was “a bloody marvellous feeling” to be elected as a Dublin MEP.

Asked to point out the reason why the party had performed well in the elections, Ms Doherty looked to her right at Fine Gael leader and Taoiseach Simon Harris.

She said: “I’m not looking at anyone in particular but we’ve had a really renewed sense of energy in the last couple of months. And it’s not just because the Taoiseach has it, he has made us all believe in ourselves and instil a new energy so that we go that extra mile.

“That has certainly helped." Mr Harris said he was “absolutely delighted” that Ms Doherty had been elected and thanked the Dublin electorate. He said: “She has worked so hard, she deserves this, I’m so proud of her and of course she’s going to continue an incredible tradition of Fine Gael people representing Dublin in the European Parliament.

”Mr Harris added that he was “very hopeful” that the party could come away with four MEP seats in total by taking two seats in Midlands-Northwest.


Eoghan Moloney

European Elections DublinNewly elected Labour MEP Aodhán O’Ríordáin has said that he felt “maybe Dublin needs a better voice” after the riots in the capital last November.

“For the Labour Party, it’s been a rough number of years but Ivana (Bacik) with her by-election has changed the entire dynamic of this party,” the TD said.

“She showed that with a level of integrity and politics and unwavering in her belief in social justice that we can win again.

“When we started this campaign, I don’t think many people gave us a chance, but we won.

“It’s been a very emotional year for me, I lost my dad a year ago and that really motivated me a lot after the riots in November that maybe Dublin needs a better voice.”

Labour leader Ms Bacik said his election means “a huge amount” to the party. She said: “‘For the love of Dublin’, the slogan, really summed up what we were about and that resonated with people, they wanted to hear that positive message of constructive change that we’ve been putting forward. It means a great deal to us.”


Eoghan Moloney

European Elections Dublin

Lynn Boylan, newly elected Sinn Fein MEP for Dublin, said she is “exhausted” but “absolutely overwhelmed” by the support she received.

While Sinn Féin leadership has acknowledged the elections went worse than expected, Ms Boylan was insistent that the party had a “positive” result – after electing an MEP in Dublin and increasing its representation in local government.

She said: “How is it a bad election when we’re the party that increased its vote? Fianna Fail and Fine Gael decreased their vote.“

"They decreased their number of councillors. We’ve increased our vote, we’ve increased our number of councillors.”

Speaking to RTÉ’s Prime Time, Ms Boylan added: “Therefore, we take that as a good day. Is it as good of a day as we’d have liked? Of course not, but it is a good day nonetheless when you’re going in the right direction.”

Asked if Mary Lou McDonald should continue as leader into the general election, she said: “Absolutely, she’s the right person to lead the party into the next general election.”


Eoghan Moloney

European Election Dublin - final results

Official results:

Regina Doherty FG (+8,717) 77,442

Barry Andrews FF (+7,771) 76,881

Lynn Boylan SF (+3,649) 68,235

Aodhan O Riordain Labour (+16,614) 63,526

Non transferable papers (+5,905) 40,220

Gabija Gataveckaite

Eoghan Moloney

European Elections Ireland SouthMick Wallace (I4C) picked up the largest number of transfers in the seventh count at Ireland South.

The Wexford based candidate received 1,214 transfers from Cian Prendiville of People Before Profit. This brought his total to 55,600.

Billy Kelleher (Fianna Fáil) is currently on 93,777 and has a long way to go before reaching the quota of 114,761. Next in the running is Michael McNamara (Ind) who is on 57,809.

He is followed by former RTÉ presenter Cynthia Ní Mhurchú. The barrister and mediator is currently on 56,780.

Next in line is Mick Wallace (Independent) on 55,600, with Kathleen Funchion (SF) on 51,984 and Grace O’Sullivan (The Green Party) on 49,139.

Fine Gael’s Sean Kelly remains the only candidate elected in Ireland South topping the poll in the first count with 127,777 votes out of a total poll of 713,323. He had a surplus of over 8,000 votes.

Olivia Kelleher

Eoghan Moloney

Offaly County Council

And it's all over! After an examination of the 4 errors found during the recount, it was found they would not materially change the difference of the outcome of the election.

Sean Maher (SF) and Audrey Hennessy Kennedy (FF) have been elected to the Birr LEA on count 12.

Tabitha Monahan

Eoghan Moloney

European Election Midlands-Northwest

The 8th count results for the Midlands Northwest constituency saw the elimination of independent candidate Michelle Smith with the lowest vote count of 7102.

None of the candidates have reached the quota yet.

Sinn Féin TD Pearse Doherty visited the count centre an hour ago and speaking with the Irish Independent about the implosion of votes for Sinn Féin candidate Chris MacManus, who currently has 30,212 votes, he said: “This is not the election that we were hoping for. Although we did increased the vote share and number of seats, but it was definitely not what we were expecting.

“These elections has also made it evident that people in Ireland do want change. The way they voted for independent candidates instead of Fianna Fail, Fine Gael or Green Party shows that they want to have a change.

“Now it’s humble enough that we recognise that we have made mistakes on the way and respond back with a positive vision about how we believe this country can be governed and it should be run.”

Neha Kumari

Elections 2024: Barry Andrews, Regina Doherty, Lynn Boylan and Aodhán Ó’Ríordáin elected as MEPs in Dublin (2)

Eoghan Moloney

European Elections Ireland South

IRELAND SOUTH (Seventh Count)

Prendiville, Cian (PBP). Distribution of 6,650 papers

CANDIDATES – (Seventh Count)

Blighe, Derek (Ind) - +188 26,752

Bogue, Lorna (Rabharta) -+456 10,040

Doyle, Susan (SD) - +763 21,992

Fitzgibbon, Mary (Ind) - +110 7,794

Funchion, Kathleen (SF) -+483 51,984

Gavan, Paul (SF) – +291 23,186

Hourigan, Niamh (Labour) - +346 22,352

Kelleher, Billy (FF) - + 102 93,777

Leahy, Michael (Ind/IFP) - +100 13,301

McGurk, Una (Ind) - +60 6,888

McNamara, Michael (Ind) - +176 57,809

Mullins, John (FG) – +87 36,460

Murphy, Patrick (Aontu) - +164 14,802

Ní Mhurchú, Cynthia (FF) - +239 56,780

O'Sullivan, Grace (Green) +563 49,139

Punch, Eddie (Ind) - +405 21,663

Wallace, Mick (Ind) - +1,214 55,600

Non Transferable — 903

No Candidate has reached the quota on this count.

McGurk, Una (Independent) has been excluded. Her 6,888 papers are to be distributed.Olivia Kelleher

Eoghan Moloney

European Elections Dublin​

Ciarán Cuffe said he will take a few weeks off before he thinks about whether to run for the Dáil.

He said it was a "challenging election" and said he is "really deeply disappointed".

"We will continue to offer progressive solutions," he said.

Senior Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil figures, as well as those in Labour and Sinn Féin, are now gathering in anticipation of Barry Andrews, Regina Doherty, Aodhán O Riordáin and Lynn Boylan being elected all on the same and final count.

Gabija Gataveckaite

Eoghan Moloney

Offaly County Council

The returning officer has confirmed that 4 errors have been found in the examination of all 15 candidates' votes in the Birr LEA, which is now complete.

It will now be determined what impact this will have on the count here and we hope to have a further update very soon.

Tabitha Monahan

Eoghan Moloney

European Elections Dublin

Count 18. Distribution of Clare Daly’s 39,334

FF ANDREWS, Barry (+1,931) 69,110

FG DOHERTY Regina (+2,196) 68,725

SF BOYLAN, Lynn (+11,338) 64,586

Independent Ireland BOYLAN, Niall (+4,558) 49,490

Green CUFFE Ciaran (+3,189) 43,582

Labour Ó RÍORDÁIN Aodhán (+5,001) 46,912

Non transferable (+11,121) 34,315

Quota 75,345. Seats 4.

Eliminated — Ciaran Cuffe 43,582Gabija Gataveckaite

Eoghan Moloney

Kildare County Council

And the winner after the second recount in Kildare is.....Section 84.3 of Statutory Instrument 297/1995.

After flip-flopping between one ahead and then two votes behind, Melissa Byrne of Aontú and James Stokes of Sinn Féin emerged from the fresh 10th count in Newbridge on equal votes.

Returning officer Eoghan Ryan had to go to the law to resolve the tie. According to the cited legislation, situations like this require going back to the very first count, with whoever polled higher remaining in the race.

James Stokes was excluded given he had the lower number of first preferences.

Ms Byrne, 25, and Mr Stokes, 18, embraced after what has been a stressful experience for the two political novices.

The count can now resume to try to fill the last three seats in the six-seater LEA.

Caroline O'Doherty

Elections 2024: Barry Andrews, Regina Doherty, Lynn Boylan and Aodhán Ó’Ríordáin elected as MEPs in Dublin (3)

Eoghan Moloney

European Elections Dublin

Reflecting on the loss of his seat, Ciarán Cuffe suggested the issue of migration had dominated the European election campaign over concerns about the climate.

“I think we have seen the rise of those voices who don’t feel the state should be involved in helping the most vulnerable and I think I certainly have campaigned all my life to help the most vulnerable in society. I’ll continue to do that and my party will continue to do that,” he said.

“I think we need a green and a social transition. We need to help, particularly those who are facing difficult circ*mstances, and I think we need to be building bridges, not erecting walls in Europe.”He added: “I think what characterised the 2019 election was the extraordinary urgency of the need to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss. I don’t think those issues have gone away. It’s a bit like having a hole in the roof of your house and saying ‘ah, we’ll get around to that in a few years’ time’.

“I think we absolutely have to face up to climate breakdown and biodiversity loss, we have to ensure a green transition, but clearly at a European level the issue of migration featured very strongly.“

It had to, given that the issue has been on the front page for a long time and that we really have had challenges in accommodating 100,000 Ukrainians and others who have fled persecution and violence, so that did dominate a lot of the campaign.”


Eoghan Moloney

European Election Ireland South


Exclusion of Graham de Barra (Independent) and distribution of his 4,906 papers

CANDIDATES – (Sixth Count)

Blighe, Derek (Ind) - +372 26,564

Bogue, Lorna (Rabharta) -+498 9,584

Doyle, Susan (SD) - +599 21,229

Fitzgibbon, Mary (Ind) - +412 7,684

Funchion, Kathleen (SF) -+325 51,501

Gavan, Paul (SF) – +106 22,895

Hourigan, Niamh (Labour) - +184 22,006

Kelleher, Billy (FF) - + 287 93,675

Leahy, Michael (Ind/IFP) - +73 13,201

McGurk, Una (Ind) - +99 6,828

McNamara, Michael (Ind) - +136 57,633

Mullins, John (FG) – +105 36,373

Murphy, Patrick (Aontu) - +90 14,638

Ní Mhurchú, Cynthia (FF) - +161 56,541

O'Sullivan, Grace (Green) +272 48,576

Prendiville, Cian (PBP) - +134 6,650

Punch, Eddie (Ind) - +46 21,258

Wallace, Mick (Ind) - +279 54,386

Non Transferable — 728

No Candidate has reached the quota on this count.

Prendiville, Cian (PBP) has been eliminated. Distribution of his 6650 papers to followOlivia Kelleher

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Elections 2024: Barry Andrews, Regina Doherty, Lynn Boylan and Aodhán Ó’Ríordáin elected as MEPs in Dublin (2024)
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