Hearing Protection: Measuring Sound (2024)

Loudness is measured in decibels (dB). As decibels rise, loudness quickly increases. A 10-dB rise is a 10-time leap in loudness. That means an 80-dB sound (a vacuum cleaner) is 10 times louder than a 70-dB sound (a telephone ringing). And it's100 times louder than a 60-dB sound (normal conversation).

When you need protection

At the workplace, your employer measures noise with sound level meters and dosimeters. If the average noise exposure over an 8-hour work shift is 85 dB or higher, you need protection. OSHA requires your employer to have a hearing conservation program. From 85 dB to 125 dB, you can lose hearing painlessly. Over 125 dB, you may feel pain. As loudness and pitch rise, you may get acoustic trauma. That means a single exposure can cause permanent hearing loss.

Soft sounds

20-29 dB

Quiet bedroom at night

30-39 dB

Whispered conversation; milk poured on dry cereal

40-49 dB

Soft music; average suburban home during the day

50-59 dB

Large business office; light freeway traffic

Daily sounds

60-69 dB

Normal conversation; household washing machine

70-79 dB

Ringing telephone; alarm clock; noisy restaurant; moderate freeway traffic; light assembly plant

Harsh sounds

80-89 dB

Vacuum cleaner; shouted conversation; busy city streets; welding equipment

90-99 dB

Small woodworking shop; portable sander; automatic screw machine; drill press; subway train; 20-ton truck; newspaper printing press

Intense sounds

100-109 dB

Lawn mower; outboard motor; snowmobile; bulldozer; chain saw; circular saw; weaving room; riveting machine; helicopter

110-139 dB

Motorcycle; loud music; 120-watt stereo system at high volume; car horn; thunderclap; ship engine room; punch press; sand blaster; turbine generator; .357 magnum gun

Deafening sounds

140-149 dB

Jet engine at takeoff; high-powered shotgun blast

150+ dB

Intense explosion; rocket liftoff

Hearing Protection: Measuring Sound (2024)


How is hearing protection measured? ›

NRR is a standardized measurement used to quantify the effectiveness of hearing protection devices, such as earplugs and earmuffs. It indicates the level of noise reduction provided by these devices in decibels (dB).

What sound level should you wear ear protection? ›

make sure the protectors give enough protection - aim at least to get below 85 dB at the ear. target the use of protectors to the noisy tasks and jobs in a working day. select protectors which are suitable for the working environment - consider how comfortable and hygienic they are.

What sound level should workers use hearing protection? ›

Many experts agree that continual exposure to more than 85 decibels is dangerous. Hearing protection is advised for sound at or above 85 decibels.

Is 26 dB NRR good? ›

A device with an NRR in the high 20's or low 30's will generally offer the most protection you can buy.

How is hearing sound measured? ›

We measure sound intensity (also referred to as sound power or sound pressure) in units called decibels. Decibels (dB) are named in honor of Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of both the telephone and the audiometer. An audiometer is a device that measures how well a person can hear certain sounds.

What is a good rating for ear protection? ›

The highest NRR rating for earplugs is 33, and the highest available NRR rating for earmuffs is 31. These values reflect the level of noise protection available for each device when worn alone. Combining earplugs with earmuffs can offer a NRR protection level of 36.

What noise level is bad for your ears? ›

Sounds at or below 70 A-weighted decibels (dBA), even after long exposure, are unlikely to cause hearing loss. However, long or repeated exposure to sounds at or above 85 dBA can cause hearing loss.

How to calculate noise exposure with hearing protection? ›

Subtract 7dB from the noise reduction rating (NRR) of the hearing protector, as listed on the product label. 3. Subtract this difference from the unprotected noise exposure. This estimates the exposure level with the hearing protector.

What is the best dB for ear protection? ›

When your goal in using earplugs is hearing protection, you should aim for an NRR that will reduce your noise exposure to a safe level, ideally 70 dB or lower.

What is the OSHA standard for hearing protection? ›

Employers shall make hearing protectors available to all employees exposed to an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels or greater at no cost to the employees. Hearing protectors shall be replaced as necessary.

How to measure noise level? ›

The best way to measure noise levels is to use a dedicated sound level meter, but there are also several sound meter apps that allow you to measure noise using Android or iOS devices, such as iPhones.

What is the 3 foot rule for hearing protection? ›

When a sound level meter is not available, you should use the 2-to-3 foot rule: Stand about an arm's length away from your coworker: If you have to raise your voice to be heard 2-3 feet away, you should assume that the sound level is at or above 85 dBA. A personal noise indicator is a warning device.

What dB is considered noise cancelling? ›

Active noise cancelling works best for low frequency (“deeper”) sounds and reduces incoming noise to the ear by around 30 dB, potentially reducing harmful noise exposure by a significant margin. Active noise cancellation works on midrange and high frequency sounds as well, just with a more limited muting effect.

What earplugs block the most sound? ›

Best for Blocking Snoring

Mack's Soft Foam Ear Plugs have a noise reduction rating of 33 decibels, the highest of any earplugs on our list. This means they can block out disruptive sounds like snoring. The earplugs are made from soft, squishy, low-pressure, slow-release foam.

Is NRR 22 enough for shooting? ›

Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)

For shooting and hunting, a minimum NRR of 25 dB is recommended.

What is 70 decibels equivalent to? ›

70 dB is in the middle of this decibel range. It is equivalent to the sound level of a regular washing machine. It is also equivalent to the noise level in an office environment or inside a car driving at 60 mph. 70 dB noise is not considered harmful to human hearing.

What does 27 NRR mean? ›

If you are wearing a product with an NRR of 27 it would deduct 10 decibels (27-7/2=10) or 100-10 = 90 dB.

What does 80 decibels sound like? ›

Harsh sounds
80-89 dBVacuum cleaner; shouted conversation; busy city streets; welding equipment
90-99 dBSmall woodworking shop; portable sander; automatic screw machine; drill press; subway train; 20-ton truck; newspaper printing press

What does NRR 32 mean? ›

Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) is a measure of the effectiveness of a hearing protection device to reduce noise levels. Higher values indicate greater noise reduction. NRR values range up to approximately 30 dB. To the right is an example of the EPA label for a headset with an NRR of 33 dB.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.