How Loud Is 50 Decibels | What Is 50 Decibels (2024)

  1. What Is 50 Decibels
  2. How Loud Is 50 Decibels
  3. What Is 50 Decibels Sound Like
    3.1 Noise sources that contain 50 dB
  4. What Is 50 Decibels Compared
    4.1 60 Decibels
    4.2 70 Decibels
    4.3 80 Decibels
  5. Is 50 dB Dangerous Or Safe
  6. How To Protect Your Hearing
  7. Get More Info About dB With Decibelpro.App

Some find the decibel’s logarithmic scale puzzling. Because it’s not linear, it can be hard to understand. This has many wondering what certain decibel levels actually sound like.

For this exact reason, in this article, we’re looking into how loud 50 decibels is - an average noise level. We’re going to see what this noise level sounds like and if it could be hazardous to your health.

What Is 50 Decibels?

The decibel scale is what we use to measure the sounds that humans can perceive, starting at 0 dB – the threshold of human hearing, and reaching 120-140 dB - the threshold of pain. The decibel scale basically shows us how intense a sound is.

If you look at the graphic below, you will see that the noise level of the common sounds we hear every day can vary greatly.

How Loud Is 50 Decibels | What Is 50 Decibels (1)

When trying to answer our main question ‘What is 50 decibels?’, looking at the decibel chart above, we can see that 50 dB is:

  • a low noise level
  • not a level that is damaging to your hearing
  • is equivalent to the noise level of a quiet office.

How Loud Is 50 Decibels?

50 dB is as loud as a quiet conversation, a quiet suburb, a quiet office, or a quiet refrigerator. Notice the use of the word ‘quiet’ when describing this noise level? That’s because all sounds between 31-60 decibels are considered quiet.

50 decibels is a moderate noise level that is not generally considered harmful to human hearing. This noise level is under the limits recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency according to which if you keep your exposure to noise under 70 decibels over 24 hours you can prevent hearing loss or damage.

However, if you are trying to sleep or study, the ideal noise level should be under 40 decibels.

What Does 50 Decibels Sound Like?

What 50 decibels sound like will depend on a few factors.

The first one is how close you are to the source. If a sound is 50 dB and you are standing right next to the source, you will most likely perceive the sound as loud as it is. However, if you are standing far away from it, you will perceive it as a softer sound.

The second factor that will influence how you perceive a sound is other noises. If the background noise is loud, for instance in a train station or a loud classroom, louder noises will most likely drown out 50-decibel sounds. Therefore, the sound will be muffled.

To better understand what is 50 decibels and what it would sound like, let’s take some examples:

Noise Sources That Are 50 dB

50 decibels is a safe, quiet noise level comparable to the following common sounds:

  • A quiet conversation
  • A quiet office or home
  • A quiet residential street
  • A quiet refrigerator
  • Moderate rainfall

What Is 50 Decibels Compared To

Our ears are very sensitive to sounds. That is why we can perceive even small differences when it comes to noise levels. On top of that, because the decibel scale is not linear but logarithmic, a difference of 10 decibels is much more intense than you think. In fact, from 0 decibels on, every 3-decibel increase in a sound actually represents a doubling of the sound’s intensity.

The rule of thumb to calculate a sound’s intensity depending on its decibel level is that each 10 dB increase represents a 10x increase in sound intensity. As far as the sound volume is considered, we perceive a 10x sound intensity as a 2x increase in sound volume.

To further understand how loud 50 decibels is, let’s compare them to other noise levels:

60 Decibels

When compared to 60 decibels, 50 decibels will sound twice as loud. In reality, a 60 dB sound is 10 times more intense than a 50 dB sound.

70 Decibels

Following the same logic, you may perceive a 70 dB sound as being 4 times as loud as a 50 dB sound. In fact, a 70 dB sound is 100 times more intense than a 50 dB sound.

80 Decibels

When it comes to 80 decibels, the difference in intensity is even higher. If 70 decibels is 100 times more intense than 50 decibels, 80 decibels is 1000 times more intense. And you will perceive an 80-decibel sound 8 times as loud.

Is 50 dB Dangerous or Safe?

Generally, 50 decibels is considered a safe noise level. Noise levels exceeding 70 decibels are considered potentially dangerous if your exposure is more than 24 hours, and noise levels above 85 decibels are considered hazardous if your exposure exceeds 8 hours/day.

How to Protect Your Hearing

Health experts recommend that you take certain precautions when you are exposed to sounds that can affect your hearing.

For instance, you should always protect your ears with earmuffs, foam earbuds, or noise-canceling headphones when you are exposed to powerful noise like that of heavy machinery or an explosion of sound like that of fireworks.

At the same time, you should also be mindful when you listen to loud music on your devices. Try to limit the time you use speakers and headphones to listen to music at a high volume. Ideally, you should listen to music at 60% of the volume for no more than 60 minutes at a time.

Other things you can do to protect your hearing are:

  • move away from the sound source
  • limit your exposure time
  • control the volume on personal devices
  • wear appropriate hearing protection
  • regularly check your hearing health

Get More Info About dB with DecibelPro.App

If you want to conveniently measure noise levels, a sound level meter app like Decibel Pro is ideal. You can easily download it to your iPhone or iPad and get instant noise level readings on your screen.

In addition, Decibel Pro also comes with additional features like a hearing test that can help you keep your hearing health in check and a spectrum analyzer that you can use to analyze frequencies and set up sound systems.

To learn more about the Decibel app, click here.

How Loud Is 50 Decibels | What Is 50 Decibels (2024)


How Loud Is 50 Decibels | What Is 50 Decibels? ›

How Loud Is 50 Decibels? 50 dB is as loud as a quiet conversation, a quiet suburb, a quiet office, or a quiet refrigerator. Notice the use of the word 'quiet' when describing this noise level

noise level
In atmospheric sounding and noise pollution, ambient noise level (sometimes called background noise level, reference sound level, or room noise level) is the background sound pressure level at a given location, normally specified as a reference level to study a new intrusive sound source. › wiki › Ambient_noise_level
? That's because all sounds between 31-60 decibels are considered quiet.

What do 50 decibels of noise sound like? ›

30 dB: Whispering nearby. 40 dB: Quiet library sounds. 50 dB: Refrigerator. 60 dB: Electric toothbrush.

Is 50 dB twice as loud as 40 dB? ›

For example, if a sound level increases from 40 dB(A) to 50 dB(A) – an increase of +10 dB(A) – it would be perceived as being twice as loud as it was originally. If the level increased to 60 dB(A) it would then be perceived as being four times as loud as it was when it was 40 dB(A).

Is 60 dB twice as loud as 50 dB? ›

So, while a sound at 60 decibels is 10 times louder than one at 50 decibels, it is also 100 times louder than a sound at 40 decibels and 1000 times louder than 30 decibels.

How loud is 50db at night? ›

40 dB to 50 dB

It is equivalent to sounds that are noticeable and can become disruptive depending on the environment—the humming of a fridge, a running stream, or other background noises. This range is associated with a lack of sleep, and prolonged exposure may also cause headaches and irritability.

Can you hear 50 dB through a wall? ›

Measuring sound transmission

30 dB has little sound-control effectiveness. 35 dB allows normal conversation to be heard through the wall. 40 dB allows loud conversation to be heard through the wall. 50 dB will prevent loud conversation from being heard through the wall.

How many decibels is a dog bark? ›

Excessive noise, or loudness, not only disturbs the peace, but also creates a health hazard. An average size dog barks at “120 db and 500 Hz.” Damage to the human ear can occur at 85 db. Therefore, a continu- ally barking dog can cause stress and loss of sleep.

How much louder is 50 dB than 20 dB? ›

At a specified distance, 50db is roughly x20,000 louder (perceived) than 20db. This is because sound is logarithmic. In simple terms, the perceived loudness of 40db is not twice 20db, it is 200 times louder. In short, the next interval in a logarithmic scale is not linear, it is multiplicative.

What is the 3 dB rule? ›

3 dB rule: A 3 dB gain means twice (x2) the power. A 3 dB loss means half the power. For example, a system with 40 watts of input power and a 6 dB insertion loss will only have 10 watts of output power. dB: Decibel, a logarithm (equal to 10 times) ratio of the difference between two values.

How many dB is 2x louder? ›

When a sound is perceived to double in loudness, this corresponds to roughly an increase in 10 dB.

How many decibels is a lawn mower? ›

Gas-Powered Lawn Mowers Can Damage Hearing

That's right, they run at approximately 95 decibels and anything over 85 decibels can cause irreparable harm to your hearing with extended or repeated exposure. Electric lawn mowers and lawn equipment run at around 75 decibels.

How many decibels is a gunshot? ›

Noise and Firearms

These firearms can produce dangerously high sound levels. For example, small-caliber rifles, air rifles, shotguns, and pistols can generate noise up to 140 decibels peak pressure level (referred to as dBP); higher-caliber rifles can produce sounds over 175 dBP.

How many decibels is a hair dryer? ›

A typical hair blow dryer has an intensity of about 85 dB, but if they're used for just brief periods, they're unlikely to damage hearing. However, long or repeated exposure to sounds at or above 85 dB can cause problems.

What does 50dB sound like? ›

How Loud Is 50 Decibels? 50 dB is as loud as a quiet conversation, a quiet suburb, a quiet office, or a quiet refrigerator. Notice the use of the word 'quiet' when describing this noise level? That's because all sounds between 31-60 decibels are considered quiet.

Is 50 dB snoring loud? ›

The average snorer has a volume of about 50 decibels, so you might think that earplugs with a noise reduction rating of 25 dB would cut that in half, but because of the way the decibel scale works, it actually only cuts the sound by about 9 decibels.

Is 50 dB loud for an air conditioner? ›

As we mentioned above, the lower the decibel rating, the quieter the air conditioner. The quietest AC's fall into the 50–60 dB range—but what does noise in the 50–60 dB range actually sound like? Here are some common scenarios that fall into the 50-60 decibel range: The sound of rainfall- 50 decibels.

How loud is 50 decibels white noise? ›

Ensure the sound level never exceeds 50 decibels (no louder than a quiet conversation or a shower running). This may be the lowest setting on your machine. Always make sure the white noise machine is out of your child's reach and any cords are safely tucked away.

What does a 50 decibel dishwasher sound like? ›

Denoted with levels of dBA, this translates to “A-weighted decibels,” and the lower the score, the quieter your appliance will be. Generally speaking, modern dishwashers can range between 40 to 50 dBA, which is similar to the sound of someone typing on a keyboard.

What is the intensity of a 50 dB sound? ›

Learning Objectives
Table 1. Sound Intensity Levels and Intensities
Sound intensity level β (dB)Intensity I(W/m2)Example/effect
501 × 107Average office, soft music
601 × 106Normal conversation
701 × 105Noisy office, busy traffic
12 more rows

How loud is a 55 decibels example? ›

55 dB is a level that describes moderate to soft sounds. In fact, it is comparable to a quiet home environment, a residential street, or a normal conversation between two people.

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