Noise Code - DEP (2024)

The New York City Noise Code balances the important reputation of New York as a vibrant, world-class city that never sleeps, with the needs of those who live in, work in, and visit the city.

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Police Department (NYPD) share the duties of enforcing the Noise Code. To submit a noise complaint, call or contact 311, or you can file a noise complaint online. The appropriate agency will receive your service request. You can find the resolution of the service request using 311 service request status.

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Residential Noise

The Residential Noise Control Guidance Sheet provides information for New York City residents seeking relief from city noise. If you are a homeowner or tenant, use this guide to learn about noise control options, methods, products and services.

Download the Residential Noise Control Guidance Sheet

Noise Standards for Commercial Music

Commercial music is defined as any music coming from a commercial establishment like restaurants, hotels, or nightlife establishments. It includes live performances or recorded audio content. This guidance document assists establishments that play music with information on a range of acoustical products, vendors, and professional services available to help control sound and vibration in their establishments and buildings. When applied properly, these acoustical tools may be helpful in reducing sound and vibration, and in achieving compliance with the New York City Noise Code, rules and regulations.

Additionally, if you have a noise complaint related to a hospitality industry establishment or are an establishment that is experiencing consistent complaints from residents, the Mediating Establishment and Neighborhood Disputes (MEND) NYC initiative aims to resolve disputes over noise and other quality of life issues using professional mediation services. Learn more about MEND NYC.

Construction Noise Rules, Regulations & Forms

Noise Control for Building Exterior & Interior Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Equipment

These sheets provides guidance and example resources for noise control of building exterior and interior heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. HVAC equipment involves rotating machinery and air moving devices which generate noise to nearby noise sensitive locations or through a building’s interior. This is particularly true if the HVAC equipment is centrally located inside a building or on its roof as opposed to being in its basem*nt.

Requirements and Standards to be a Noise Consultant

The requirements and standards to be a noise consulant are authorized by section 1043 of the Charter of the City of New York as well as section 24-231 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York.

Local Law Noise Reports

Technology Based Noise Camera Program

Noise Code - DEP (1)

Noise emissions from loud vehicle mufflers can affect public health

Noise emissions from loud vehicle engines or mufflers, music and horns can impinge on the quality of life in New York City. Some noise is so loud that it can adversely affect public health by causing sleep deprivation and hearing loss. In recent years, there has been an uptick in the presence of loud engine and muffler noise. This has resulted in many vehicle noise complaints being filed at 311 by elected officials, communities, and individuals.

DEP’s Bureau of Environmental Compliance enforces the Noise Code, which prohibits excessive vehicle noise. Due to the transient nature of vehicle noise, inspectors in the field could only ticket a small percentage of the vehicles that were in violation. The Noise Camera Program was initiated to capture the identity of the vehicle while the noise is actually occurring, without an inspector onsite.

Each noise camera is equipped with a high-definition video camera and audio sensor array that are triggered by vehicles that exceed pre-defined noise limits. The angle and placement of the camera allow the license plate to be recorded, but prevent the interior of the vehicle, including the occupants, from being visible on the video.

Regulatory Background

The Noise Code is codified in Chapter 2 of Title 24 of the NYC Administrative Code. The Noise Code authorizes DEP to enforce provisions dictating limits on noise from vehicles. For vehicles with loud exhaust/mufflers these limits are laid out in §24-236 of the Administrative Code.


Noise Code summonses are adjudicated at the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings and if found in violation, penalties will result. The specific penalties for the violations captured by these noise cameras are:

  • Section 23-236(e), muffler noise, has a minimum penalty of $800 and a maximum penalty of $2,625, including the default penalty.
  • Section 24-237(a), non-emergency horn honking, has a minimum penalty of $350 and a maximum penalty of $3,000, including the default penalty.
  • Section 24-233(b)(2), vehicle music, has a minimum penalty of $140 and a maximum penalty of $1,050, including the default penalty.
  • Section 24-225, noise from compactor on refuse collection vehicles, has a minimum penalty of $700 and a maximum penalty of $4,200, including the default penalty.
Noise Code - DEP (2024)


What is the penalty for noise code in NYC? ›

Section 24-237(a), non-emergency horn honking, has a minimum penalty of $350 and a maximum penalty of $3,000, including the default penalty. Section 24-233(b)(2), vehicle music, has a minimum penalty of $140 and a maximum penalty of $1,050, including the default penalty.

What is noise code? ›

The Code lays down the permitted maximum noise limits on ships to protect seafarers against noise and contains detailed provisions on how to carry out the necessary measurements to ensure compliance with the noise levels.

Is a noise violation a misdemeanor in Virginia? ›

A violation of the noise ordinance is a class 2 misdemeanor. In addition, if you have an approved amplified noise permit, two violations of the noise ordinance will result in the cancellation of the permit for a six-month period of time.

What are quiet hours in New York state? ›

Quiet Hours NYC- Again, according to local laws, quiet hours in NYC are from 10 pm to 7 am. There can be fines in place for those found violating these laws.

Can I sue my neighbor for noise NYC? ›

If your neighbor keeps disturbing you, you can sue, and ask the court for money damages or to order the neighbor to stop the noise ("abate the nuisance," in legal terms).

Do police respond to noise complaints NYC? ›

Report a noisy neighbor.

Officers from the New York Police Department (NYPD) will respond within 8 hours when they are not handling emergencies. They will be able to take action if the noise is still happening when they arrive.

What is the purpose of noise code? ›

1 The Code is designed to provide standards to prevent the occurrence of potentially hazardous noise levels on board ships and to provide standards for an acceptable environment for seafarers.

How to file a noise complaint in NYC? ›

Complaints about a barking dog are handled by a different department than construction noise. 311 can direct you, but you'll be better served if you get there yourself. Here's a list of all NYC noise complaint categories with links to register a noise complaint online.

How can I check noise levels? ›

The best way to measure noise levels is to use a dedicated sound level meter, but there are also several sound meter apps that allow you to measure noise using Android or iOS devices, such as iPhones.

What level of noise is considered a nuisance? ›

There is no fixed level of noise that constitutes a statutory nuisance. Individual circ*mstances differ and each case is judged on its merits.

Is noise considered unwanted sound? ›

Sound is defined as vibrations that travel through air or another medium that can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ears. Noise is defined as unwanted sound. In engineering, noise has the additional connotation of signals varying over time without meaning, whereas sound connotes meaningful signals.

Is any unwanted sound considered noise? ›

Noise is unwanted sound. The difference between sound and noise depends upon the listener and the circ*mstances. Rock music can be pleasurable sound to one person and an annoying noise to another.

What time do you have to stop being loud? ›

Most local ordinances include "quiet times." A typical ordinance prohibits loud noises between 11 p.m. and 7 or 8 a.m. on weekdays and 11 p.m. or midnight until 8 to 10 a.m. on Sundays and holidays. It is worthwhile to check your local ordinance before making formal complaint so that you can cite the law.

What time do people have to be quiet? ›

The Noise Act 1996 defines night hours as 11pm to 7am. Local councils can issue warning notices about noise above permitted levels between these times. Noise doesn't necessarily need to be a 'statutory nuisance' for a warning notice to be issued. Some councils have 24-hour teams to deal with noise complaints.

How loud is 90 decibels? ›

80 dB - Police car siren, a noisy restaurant. 90 dB - Hairdryers, blenders, power tools. 100 dB - Motorcycles, hand dryers. 110 dB - Nightclubs, sporting events.

How much is a noise violation ticket NYC? ›

New York City's new "noise cameras" are now active, ready to hand out $800-plus tickets to drivers whose vehicles exceed 85 decibels.

How late can a neighbor play loud music in NYC? ›

According to the local noise ordinance laws, NYC quiet hours range from 10 pm to 7 am. Failure to abide by these rules can result in hefty fines. The New York City noise code also has special parameters for different types of noise. Here is a helpful guide to understanding NYC quiet hours.

Can you get a ticket for loud music in NY? ›

In some states, driving with overly loud music on your car's radio is a traffic infraction. New York is not one of these states, though. Consequently, officers cannot write you a citation for blasting your music. They can cite you for disturbing the peace, however.

How much is a loud exhaust ticket in NYC? ›

According to the New York City Noise Code, a citation is warranted if a vehicle can be heard “from 150 feet or more from a vehicle weighing less than 10,000 pounds or from 200 feet or more from a vehicle weighing more than 10,000 pounds or from 200 feet from a motorcycle.” The initial fine is $800 but can rise to ...

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.