Submit a California Public Records Act Request | Contact (2024)

How to Submit a CPRA

TheCalifornia Public Records Act (CPRA) allows for the inspection or disclosure of governmentrecords to the public, upon request, unless exempted by law. To request copies of public records from the City of Los Angeles Harbor Department, you may beginthe CPRA process online. This process is nowfacilitated by NextRequest.Please allow up to 10 calendar days to receive a response to your request.

***Before submitting a CPRA request, requestors are encouraged to search theBoard AgendaArchiveAnd Videospage as the records sought may already be available online. ***

Los Angeles Port Police CPRA Requests

If you are a victim of a crime or an involved party in an incident and require a copy of a report from the Los Angeles Port Police, you may submit your request through NextRequest. If you are an attorney or employer inquiring on behalf of the victim, you will be required to provide a waiver or authorization to obtain the report.

CPRA Request Fees and Payments

The duplication fee is $0.10 per page for standard-sized documents (8 1/2" x 11” or 8 1/2" x 14" white paper with black ink) and $0.25 per page for large-sized documents (11" x 17" white paper with black ink). Duplication of documents onto a CD is $5.00. Additional costs may apply for postage (e.g., first class U.S. Mail or expedited delivery), photographs, color reproductions, over-sized drawings, maps & charts, or special programming associated with electronic records. All payments are due at the time copies of records are requested. For in-person payments, either cash or check is accepted. For mail-in payments, requestors are encouraged to send checks (not cash) in order to ensure payments reach the CPRA Unit. Checks should be made payable in U.S. funds to theLos Angeles Harbor Department.

Submit a California Public Records Act Request | Contact (2024)


How do I submit a public records act request in California? ›

To submit a request, complete the public records request form and email it to
  1. Form 700's (Statement of Economic Interests) ...
  2. Form 462 (Verification of Independent Expenditures) ...
  3. Campaign Statements. ...
  4. Guidelines for Access to Public Records.

How long do you have to respond to a public records request in California? ›

Prompt access to public records is required by the CPRA (Government Code 6253). However, the agency has 10 days to respond to the request, either providing the information, or may provide a detailed explanation as to what information may be released or what cannot because it is protected by law.

How much does the California Public Records Act charge? ›

Depending on the circ*mstances, the following fees may apply: The fee for preparing a copy of any law, resolution, record, or other document on file in the Secretary of State's Office is one dollar ($1.00) for the first page and fifty cents ($0.50) for each page thereafter. (Government Code section 12178.1(a)).

How to write a request for public records? ›

Dear Public Official: Pursuant to the [your state's public records law], I would like to obtain a copy of the following public records: [Be sure to describe the records sought with enough detail, or as the statute indicates, for the public agency to understand the request and be able to respond.]

What are the exemptions from the Public Records Act in California? ›

The following are some of the most frequent exemptions: Preliminary drafts or notes not normally retained, provided the public interest in withholding outweighs the public interest in disclosure (Government Code § 7927.500). Personnel, medical, and similar files (Government Code § 7927.700).

How do I submit a CCPA request? ›

A consumer may call a toll-free number 833-479-2272 to request personal information as described in the CCPA. The consumer may also fill out an online form.

What is the purpose of the California Public Records Act? ›

The California Public Records Act (PRA) provides for a right of access to public records and other information.

Has the California Public Records Act been repealed? ›

Effective January 1, 2023, the California Public Records Act (CPRA) has a new location within the Government Code, complete with relabeled organizational headings that improve navigating the statute.

What is the California Public Records Act 2024? ›

Chapter 161, Statutes of 2024.) The California Public Records Act requires state and local agencies to make their records available for public inspection, except as specified.

What is section 7920 of the California Public Records Act? ›

The California Public Records Act, which can be found at California Government Code sections 7920 - 7931, is the California law that provides the public the right to inspect and the right to promptly obtain copies of "public records." The purpose of the Act is to provide access to information that enables the public to ...

What data is exempt from CPRA? ›

“CPRA does not apply to medical information governed by the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act or protected health information under HIPAA and the HITECH Act.” This exemption ensures that existing federal privacy regulations for health data are not superseded or duplicated by CPRA provisions.

What is Section 6250 of the California Public Records Act? ›

6250. In enacting this chapter, the Legislature, mindful of the right of individuals to privacy, finds and declares that access to information concerning the conduct of the people's business is a fundamental and necessary right of every person in this state. 6251.

How do you start a written request? ›

Sample Letter of Request

Dear [Recipient's Name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to kindly request [state your request] and seek your assistance in this matter. [Provide a brief introduction explaining your background and the purpose of your request.]

How do I write a written request form? ›

How do you write a formal letter of request?
  1. Include contact details and the date. ...
  2. Open with a professional greeting. ...
  3. State your purpose for writing. ...
  4. Summarise your reason for writing. ...
  5. Explain your request in more detail. ...
  6. Conclude with thanks and a call to action. ...
  7. Close your letter. ...
  8. Note any enclosures.

How do you write a good FOIA request? ›

  1. It must be in writing and signed by the person making the request;
  2. It must state that the request is being made pursuant to the FOIA;
  3. It must reasonably describe the records being requested;
  4. It must state the category of the requester for fee purposes (i.e., commercial, media, educational, all other);

What is the Public Records Act for public schools in California? ›

The PRA requires public agencies to initially respond to a request for records within ten calendar days ​(this time limit may be extended by 14 days in certain circ*mstances).

How do I submit a FOIA request to local police? ›

If the information you want is not publicly available, you can submit a FOIA request to the agency's FOIA Office. The request simply must be in writing and reasonably describe the records you seek. Most federal agencies now accept FOIA requests electronically, including by web form, e-mail or fax.

What is the statute of limitations for the California Public Records Act? ›

Although the CPRA contains no limitation on that remedy, California law imposes a three year statute of limitations on any cause of action created by statute. Additionally, some state agencies required to write guidelines for CPRA may have administrative appeals.

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