UA 002H - Office of the President (Paul J. Olscamp) Records, 1965-1999 (2024)


Box 1:

1. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, 1982
2. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, 1983
3. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, 1984
4. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, 1985
5. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, 1986
6. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, January - June 1987

Box 2:

1. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, July - December 1987
2. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, 1988
3. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, 1989
4. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, 1990
5. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, January-December 1991
6. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, January-November 1992

Box 3:

1. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, January-December 1993
2. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, February-December 1994
3. Academic Affairs, Vice President for, January-December 1995
4. Academic Calendar Change, Fall 1982
5. Academic Charter Revision, 1976-1979
6. Academic Charter Revision, 1979-1981 (scattered)
7. Academic Charter Revision, 1982-1983

Box 4:

1. Academic Charter Revision, 1983-1984
2. Academic Charter Revision, December- January 1985
3. Academic Forgiveness Policy, 1985
4. Academic Honesty Committee, 1986-1987
5. Accreditation – Art (NASAD), 1983
6. Accreditation – Business Admin (AASCB)1, 972-1983
7. Accreditation – Criminal Justice, March 1980
8. Accreditation – Education (NCATE), 1982-1984
9. Accreditation – Firelands (NCA), 1974-1981
10. Accreditation – Industrial Technology (NAIT), 1980-1981
11. Accreditation – Journalism (ACEJ), 1961-1980
12. Accreditation – Medical Record Technology (AMRA), 1983-1988
13. Accreditation – Medical Technology (CAHEA), 1979-1982
14. Accreditation – Music (NASM), 1977
15. Accreditation – Nursing (NLN), 1975-1983
16. Accreditation – North Central Association (OLD), 1966-1973

Box 5:

1. Accreditation – North Central Report, 1980-1982
2. Accreditation – North Central Report, 1983
3. Accreditation – Physical Therapy (APTA), 1983
4. Accreditation – Psychology (APA), 1971-1983
5. Accreditation – Rehab Counselor Education Program, 1978-1988
6. Accreditation – Social Work Program, 1978-1982
7. Accreditation – Social Work Program (Appendices), 1978
8. Accreditation – Speech Pathology /Audiology, 1980-1986
9. Accreditation – Teacher Education (NCATE), 1967-1974
10. Accreditation – Technology (NAITA), 1982
11. Accreditation – Theatre/Drama (NAST), 1981-1984

Box 6:

1. Administration – Salaries (BGSU Historical) Part 1, 1950-1976 (scattered)
2. Administration – Salaries (BGSU Historical) Part 2, 1974-1980 (scattered)
3. Administration – Salaries (BGSU Historical) Part 3, 1975-1982 (scattered)
4. Administrative Efficiency Study – Part 1, April-June 1988
5. Administrative Efficiency Study – Part 2, April 1988- January 1989 (scattered)

Box 7:

1. Administrative Efficiency Study – Part 3, 1988-1989 (scattered)
2. Administrative Efficiency Study – Part 4, 1988-1989
3. Administrative Retreats – Part 1, 1971-1978 (scattered)
4. Administrative Retreats – Part 2, 1971-1978 (scattered)
5. Administrative Retreats , 1979-1980 (scattered)

Box 8:

1. Administrative Retreats, April-May 1983 (scattered)
2. Administrative/Trustee Retreats, May 1984 (scattered)
3. Administrative/Trustee Retreats, May 1985 (scattered)
4. Administrative/Trustee Retreats, May 1986 (scattered)

Box 9:

1. Administrative/Trustee Retreats, November 1986-April 1987
2. Administrative Staff – Part 1 of 5, 1983-1988 (scattered)
3. Administrative Staff – Part 2 of 5, 1983-1988 (scattered)
4. Administrative Staff – Part 3 of 5, 1983-1988 (scattered)
5. Administrative Staff – Part 4 of 5, 1983-1988 (scattered)
6. Administrative Staff – Part 5 of 5, 1983-1988 (scattered)
7. Administrative Staff Council, 1982-1985
8. Administrative Staff Council, 1986-1988
9. Administrative Staff Council, 1989-1992 (scattered)

Box 10:

1. Admissions, 1981-1984
2. Admissions, 1985
3. Admissions, 1986-1987
4. Admissions, 1988
5. Admissions, 1989
6. Admissions, 1990
7. Admissions, 1991

Box 11:

1. Admissions, 1992-1993
2. Admissions, 1994-1995
3. Advanced Technology Application Center, 1983-1984
4. Advisory Committee on General Fee Allowances (ACGFA), 1980-1983
5. Affirmative Action, 1976-1977
6. Affirmative Action, 1982
7. Affirmative Action, 1983-1984


1. Affirmative Action, 1985-1986
2. Affirmative Action, 1987
3. Affirmative Action, 1988
4. Affirmative Action, 1989
5. Affirmative Action, 1990
6. Affirmative Action, 1991-1992

Box 13:

1. Affirmative Action, 1994
2. Affirmative Action, 1995
3. Affirmative Action – Director Search, 1986-1987
4. Affirmative Action – Handicapped Services, 1992
5. Affirmative Action – Handicapped Services, 1993
6. Alcohol Committee, University Ad Hoc, 1982-1983
7. Alcoholic Beverages, 1968-1979
8. Alumni, 1989-1991

Box 14:

1. Alumni, 1992-1994
2. Alumni, 1995-1997
3. Alumni Affairs (Weiss), 1986-1988
4. Alumni Affairs (Weiss), 1982-1985
5. Alumni – Development, 1989
6. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU), 1983-1984
7. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU), 1985

Box 15:

1. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU), 1986
2. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU), 1987
3. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU), 1988
4. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU), 1989
5. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU), January-May 1990
6. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU), June-December 1990

Box 16:

1. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU), 1991-1992
2. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU), 1993
3. American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU), 1994-1995
4. American Association of State Colleges & Universities Conference, 1992
5. American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 1984-1987
6. ACE (American Council on Education), 1982-1983
7. ACE (American Council on Education), 1984-1988
8. ACE Fellows Program – (Hutchinson), 1981-1983
9. ACE Fellows Program, 1989-1990

Box 17:

1. American Cultural Studies, 1979-1987
2. Americans with Disabilities Act, 1994-1995
3. Antioch Mosaics, 1977-1978
4. Art, BGSU’s Permanent Collection of, March-August 1981
5. Art, School of, 1982-1987
6. Arts and Sciences, College of, 1986-1988
7. Arts and Sciences, College of, 1989-1991
8. Asbestos Advisory Committee, 1985-1987
9. Association for Canadian Studies in the US (ACCSUS), 1984-1987
10. Association of American Colleges, 1982-1987
11. Athletic Committee, Intercollegiate, 1982-1987
12. Athletics, January- April 1982

Box 18:

1. Athletics, May-December 1982
2. Athletics, 1983-1984
3. Athletics, January-September 1985
4. Athletics, October-December 1985, n.d.
5. Athletics, January-September 1986
6. Athletics, October-December 1986

Box 19:

1. Athletics, January-June 1987
2. Athletics, July-December 1987
3. Athletics, 1988
4. Athletics, 1989
5. Athletics, 1990

Box 20:

1. Athletics, January-July 1991
2. Athletics, August-December 1991
3. Athletics, January-June 1992
4. Athletics, July-December 1992
5. Athletics, 1993
6. Athletics, June-December 1994

Box 21:

1. Athletics, 1994 (scattered)
2. Athletics, 1995
3. Athletics, January-April 1996
4. Athletics, May-December 1996
5. Athletics, January-April 1997
6. Athletics—Intercollegiate, 1983
7. Athletics—Intercollegiate, 1983
8. Athletics—Intercollegiate, 1984
9. Athletics—Personnel, 1996
10. Atlantic Council, 1985, 1995
11. Ball State University, 1981-1987
12. Barber, Les, 1990-1991

Box 22:

1. Barber, Les, 1992
2. Barber, Les, January 1993-July 1994
3. Barber, Les, August 1994-1996
4. Bertoia Sound Sculpture, 1986, 1987
5. Biological Sciences, Lab Annex, 1976-1982
6. Biological Studies, Department of, 1983-1988
7. Black Family Committee of Toledo, 1988
8. Black Student Union Negotiations, 1970-1971
9. The Blade, 1981-1990
10. Boiler #5 Emergency Project, 1983-1984

Box 23:

1. Bowling Green, City of, 1976-1988
2. Bowling Green, City of, 1989
3. Bowling Green, City of, 1990
4. Bowling Green, City of, 1991
5. Bowling Green, City of - Misc (Part 1 of 2), 1982-1989 (scattered)
6. Bowling Green, City of - Misc (Part 2 of 2), 1982-1989 (scattered)

Box 24:

1. Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce – Misc. , 1982-1988 (scattered)
2. BG News, 1981-1984
3. BG News, 1984 -1988
4. BGSU Image Committee, 1984-1987
5. Buckeye Boys State, 1981-1987
6. Budget, 1984-1985
7. Budget, 1985-1986
8. Budget, 1986-1987
9. Budget, 1987-1988
10. Budget, 1988-1989
11. Budget, 1989-1990
12. Budget, 1990-1991
13. Budget, 1991-1992

Box 25:

1. Budget-Biennial (Telecom), 1987-1989
2. Bursar, 1982-1987
3. Business Administration Addition/Dedication, 1984-1988
4. Business Administration, College of, 1988-1991
5. Business Administration, College of, 1991-1996
6. Business Office Procedures Manual, 1986
7. Calderon Automation, Inc., 1980-1985
8. Calderon Proposal, Vol. I, 1980

Box 26:

1. Calderon Proposal Vol. II, 1980
2. Canadian Studies, May-December 1982
3. Canadian Studies, January-March 1983
4. Canadian Studies, April-July 1983
5. Canadian Studies, August-December 1983, n.d.
6. Canadian Studies, 1984-1985
7. Canadian Studies, 1986

Box 27:

1. Canadian Studies, 1987-1988
2. Canadian Studies, 1989, n.d.
3. Canadian Studies, 1990
4. Canadian Studies, 1991
5. Capital Improvements – Historical Data, 1946-1971
6. Capital Improvements – Requests, 1987-1992
7. Capital Plan – Six Year (New Classroom Building), January 30, 1990
8. Capital Planning, 1987-1988

Box 28:

1. Capital Planning, 1989
2. Capital Planning, 1990, n.d.
3. Capital Planning – McGeein, 1990-1991
4. Central States Universities, Inc. (CSUI), 1982-1983
5. Chemistry, 1987-1988
6. Chemistry, 1989-1990

Box 29:

1. Chemistry, 1991
2. Chemistry, 1992
3. Chemistry, 1993-1994
4. Chemistry, 1995-1997
5. Chemistry Department (Part 1 of 2), 1982-1986 (scattered)
6. Chemistry Department (Part 2 of 2), 1982-1986 (scattered)
7. Childcare, 1988-1989

Box 30:

1. Childcare Feasibility Committee, 1988-1989
2. China Exchange Program, 1982-1985
3. China Trip – PJO, 1984
4. Chronicle of Higher Education, 1986-1995
5. Classified Staff Council, 1979-1987
6. Classified Staff Council, 1988-1992
7. College Board, 1981-1987
8. Collective Bargaining, 1978-1979

Box 31:

1. Collective Bargaining (Part 1 of 2), 1983
2. Collective Bargaining (Part 2 of 2), 1983
3. Collective Bargaining, January -March 1984
4. Collective Bargaining, March-November 1984
5. Collective Bargaining, 1985-1988

Box 32:

1. Collective Bargaining, 1992, 1994-1995
2. Collective Bargaining-News Clippings, 1993-1994
3. College Entrance Examination Board, 1988-1991
4. Commencement-June 1979, June 1979
5. Commencement-August 1979, June-October 1979
6. Commencement-June1980, January-June 1980
7. Commencement-August 1980, March-September 1980
8. Commencement-December 1980, April 1979-January 1981
9. Commencement-March 1981, January 1981
10. Commencement-June 1981, June1980-August 1981
11. Commencement-August 1981, January 1981-October 1981
12. Commencement-December 1981, February-December 1981
13. Commencement-March 1982, March 1982
14. Commencement-June 1982, February 1981-July 1982
15. Commencement-August 1982, August-September 1982
16. Commencement-December 1982, July-December 1982

Box 33:

1. Commencement-May 1983, November 1982-June 1983
2. Commencement-August 1983, June1980-August1983
3. Commencement-December 1983, December 1983-January 1984
4. Commencement-May 1984, January-May 1984
5. Commencement-August 1984, June-September 1984
6. Commencement-December 1984 , May1986-June 1985
7. Commencement-May 1985, May 1985
8. Commencement-August 1985, February-August 1985
9. Commencement-December 1985, September1985-January 1986
10. Commencement-May 1986, September 1985-May 1986
11. Commencement-August 1986, August-September 1986
12. Commencement-December 1986, November 1986-Janurary 1987
13. Commencement-May 1987, January-May 1987
14. Commencement-August 1987, August 1987
15. Commencement-December 1987, December 1987-January 1988
16. Commencement-May 1988, April-May 1988
17. Commencement-August 1988, July-August 1988
18. Commencement-December 1988, December 1988-January 1989
19. Commencement-May 1989, May 1989-Janurary 1990

Box 34:

1. Commencement-August 1989, February-August 1989
2. Commencement-May 1990, January-May 1990
3. Commencement-August 1990, June-August 1990
4. Commencement-December 1990, December 1990-Janurary 1991
5. Commencement-May 1991, May 1990-May 1991
6. Commencement-August 1991, July-August 1991
7. Commencement-December 1991, December 1991
8. Commencement-May 1992, May 1990-June 1992
9. Commencement-August 1992, July-August 1992
10. Commencement-December 1992, December 1992-Janurary 1993
11. Commencement-May 1993, May 1993
12. Commencement-August 1993, July-August 1993
13. Commencement-December 1993, December 1993-Janurary 1994
14. Commencement-August 1994, July-October 1994
15. Commencement-December 1994, November-December 1994
16. Commencement-May 1995, April-May 1995
17. Commencement-August 1995, January-August 1995
18. Commencement-December 1995, December 1995-Janurary 1996

Box 35:

1. Committee of One Hundred, 1987-1988
2. Committees, Standing University, 1995-1997
3. Computer Services, 1989-1990
4. Computing Council, 1982-1987
5. Condolences, 1983-1988
6. Condolences, 1990-1991

Box 36:

1. Confidence Resolution, 1990
2. Confidence Resolution, 1990
3. Confidence Resolution, 1990
4. Continuing Education Program, 1980-1986
5. Continuing Education Program, 1987-1989
6. Continuing Education Program, 1990-1992

Box 37:

1. Continuing Education Program, 1993-1994
2. Continuing Education Program, 1995-1997
3. Continuing Education Program, Committee on, 1982-1984
4. CUIEDS (Consejo Universitario Interamfricano para el Desarrollo Economico y Social), 1990-1992
5. CUIDES, 1993-1995
6. CUIDES-Synthesized Data Survey, 1991-1993
7. Consortium for Health Education in Northwest Ohio (CHENO), 1982-1985
8. Construction Materials Research Center, 1983-1984
9. Contract Staff Classification Study, 1979-1984

Box 38:

1. Convocation Center, 1986-1987
2. Convocation Center, 1988, n.d.
3. Cooperative Education, 1982-1983
4. Cooperative Education, 1984-1987
5. Criteria for Program Excellence (Committee), 1983
6. Correspondence-General, October 1986-May 1987
7. Correspondence-General, June 1987

Box 39:

1. Correspondence-General, July 1987
2. Correspondence-General, August 1987
3. Correspondence-General, September 1987
4. Correspondence-General, October 1987
5. Correspondence-General, November 1987
6. Correspondence-General, December 1987
7. Correspondence-General, April 1989

Box 40:

1. Correspondence-General, May 1989
2. Correspondence-General, June 1989
3. Correspondence-General, July 1989
4. Correspondence-General, August 1989
5. Correspondence-General, September 1989
6. Correspondence-General, October 1989
7. Correspondence-General, November 1989
8. Correspondence-General, December 1989

Box 41:

1. Correspondence-General, January 1990
2. Correspondence-General, February 1990
3. Correspondence-General, March 1990
4. Correspondence-General, April 1990
5. Correspondence-General, May 1990
6. Correspondence-General, June-August 1990

Box 42:

1. Defeasance Financing, 1983-1985
2. Development, 1982-1985
3. Development, 1986-1988
4. Development, 1989
5. Development, 1990

Box 43:

1. Development, January-June 1991
2. Development, July-December 1991
3. Development, January-May 1992
4. Development, June-December 1992
5. Development, 1993
6. Development, 1994

Box 44:

1. Development, January-February 1995
2. Development Office, 1992-1995
3. Developmental Education, 1982-1985
4. Distinguished Research Professors, 1986-1990
5. Distinguished University Professors, 1974-1989
6. Diversity, 1995-1996

Box 45:

1. Divestment, 1986-1988
2. Drug Free Workplace, 1989-1990
3. Early Retirement Incentive, 1988
4. Edison Industrial System Center , 1985-1986
5. Edison Industrial Systems Center, February-July 1987
6. Edison Industrial Systems Center, August-December 1987
7. Edison Industrial Systems Center, 1988

Box 46:

1. Edison Industrial Systems Center, 1989-1990
2. Education, College of, 1982-1983
3. Education, College of, 1984-1985
4. Education, College, 1986-1987
5. Education and Allied Professions, College of, 1987-1988
6. Education and Allied Professions, College of, 1989
7. Education and Allied Professions, College of, 1990-1991

Box 47:

1. Education and Allied Professions, College of, 1992-1994
2. Education and Allied Professions, College of, 1996-1997
3. Educational Options, Center for, 1980-1987
4. Educational Technologies – Ad Hoc Committee (Ruth), 1989
5. Eminent Scholar, 1984-1990
6. Emeritus Faculty Status – General File, 1965-1985, n.d.
7. Energy Conservation – Winter, 1977-1978

Box 48:

1. English Department, 1983-1985, n.d.
2. English Department, 1986-1991
3. Enrollment Ceiling, 1980-1988
4. Enrollment Cooperative Program, 1976-1981
5. Enterprise Research Park, 1991-1994
6. Enterprise Research Park, 1995-1996
7. Environmental Health and Safety, 1983-1990

Box 49:

1. Equine Program, 1985-1988
2. Ethnic Studies, 1981-1989
3. Evaluation of the President, 1987-1990
4. Executive Assistant to the President, 1990
5. Executive Assistant to the President, Annual Report, 1982-1993
6. Faculty Research Committee, 1981-1986
7. Faculty Salaries – BGSU (Historical Data) (part 1 of 3), 1950-1974

Box 50:

1. Faculty Salaries – BGSU (Historical Data) (part 2 of 3), 1950-1974
2. Faculty Salaries – BGSU (Historical Data) (part 3 of 3), 1950-1974
3. Faculty Salaries – BGSU (Historical Data) (part 1 of 3), 1975-1983
4. Faculty Salaries – BGSU (Historical Data) (part 2 of 3), 1975-1983
5. Faculty Salaries – BGSU (Historical Data) (part 3 of 3), 1975-1983

Box 51:

1. Faculty Senate, 1982-1983
2. Faculty Senate, October-December 1984
3. Faculty Senate, January-September 1984
4. Faculty Senate, 1985
5. Faculty Senate, 1986
6. Faculty Senate, January-July 1987

Box 52:

1. Faculty Senate, August-September 1987
2. Faculty Senate, October-December 1987
3. Faculty Senate, January- April 1988
4. Faculty Senate, May-August 1988
5. Faculty Senate, September-December 1988
6. Faculty Senate, 1989
Box 53:

1. Faculty Senate, January-May 1990
2. Faculty Senate, June-December 1990
3. Faculty Senate, 1991
4. Faculty Senate, 1992
5. Faculty Senate, 1993

Box 54:

1. Faculty Senate, 1994
2. Faculty Senate, 1995-1996
3. Faculty Senate, 1997-1998
4. Faculty Senate-Academic Charter, 1990-1992
5. Faculty Senate-Charter Interpretation, 1991-1996

Box 55:

1. Faculty Senate-Financial Exigency, 1982-1983, n.d.
2. Faculty Workload-Ad Hoc Committee, 1984
3. Fee Waiver, 1976, 1982-1989
4. Fee Waiver Benefits-Faculty, Administration, Classified, 1972-1989
5. Fee Waiver Exceptions, 1986-1994
6. Fee Waiver Exceptions, 1994-1996
7. Fee Waiver- Graduate Students, 1985-1986
8. Financial Aid/Computer Services Advisory Council, 1983
9. Financial Extingency Plan, 1982-1983
10. Financial Reports, 1969
11. Financial Reports, 1983

Box 56:

1. Financial Reports, 1986
2. Financial Reports, 1987
3. Financial Reports, 1988
4. Financial Reports, 1989
5. Financial Reports, 1990
6. Financial Reports, 1991
7. Financial Reports, 1992-1993
8. Firelands College, 1982-1985
9. Firelands College, 1986-1987
10. Firelands College, 1988-1991

Box 57:

1. Firelands College, 1988-1991
2. Firelands College, 1992-1994
3. Firelands College, 1995-1996
4. Firelands: Historical Data, 1968-1982
5. Firelands/Main Campus Review Committee, 1986
6. Food Service, 1992-1993
7. Forum for History and business (Cassette Tape), 1986-1999
8. Foundation, BGSU, 1982-1983
9. Foundation, BGSU, 1984-198

Box 58:

1. Foundation, BGSU, 1989-1994
2. French House,1987-1991
3. French Revolution Bicentennial, 1988-1989
4. Freshman convocation, 1988, 1992-1993
5. Fuller and Henry- Law Firm, 1989-1990
6. Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, 1992
7. Funk/Luetke, Inc.-Public Relations/Marketing Services, 1992
8. Gender Equity, 1994
9. Gender Equity, 1995-1996
10. General Contingency, 1988-1991

Box 59:

1. Geography, Department of, 1981-1990
2. Geography, Department of, 1992-1993
3. Geology, Department of, 1982-1992
4. German, Russian, and East Asian Languages (GREAL), 1982-1995
5. Gish Film Theatre, 1976-1981
6. Gish Film Theatre, 1982-1987
7. Gish Film Theatre, 1988-1991
8. Gish Film Theatre, 1992-1995
9. Golden Key, 1990
10. Good Endowment, 1989-1995
11. Governor – State of Ohio, 1983-1987

Box 60:

1. Graduate College, 1982
2. Graduate College, 1983
3. Graduate College, 1984-1985
4. Graduate College, 1986-1987
5. Graduate College, 1988
6. Graduate College, 1989

Box 61:

1. Graduate College, 1990
2. Graduate College, 1991
3. Graduate College, 1992-1993
4. Graduate College, 1994-1997
5. Graduate Student Senate, 1982-1987
6. Graduate Student Senate, 1988-1993
7. Greece, President’s trip to, 1987-1988
8. Guest House – Guest Book, 1967-1978

Box 62:

1. Guest House – Schedule, 1990-1994
2. G-Misc, 1988-1995
3. Hanna and Hanna, 1965-1980
4. Hayes Hall-Renovation, 1980-1988
5. Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, 1977
6. Health and Human Services, College of, 1983-1986
7. Health and Human Services, College of, 1987-1988
8. Health and Human Services, College of, 1989-1997

Box 63:

1. Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 1982-1987
2. Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 1988-1990
3. Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, School of, 1991-1995
4. Health Promotion Task Force, 1988-1991
5. Hiring Practices, 1983-1984
6. History and Business Form, 1990-1993
7. History Department, 1983-1987
8. Hof, James E., 1989-1992
9. Home Economics Department, 1982-1984, 1992-1993

Box 63A:

1. Honorary Degrees,1984-1989
2. Honorary Degrees,1990
3. Honorary Degrees,1991
4. Honorary Degree – Allen, Steve, 1979
5. Honorary Degree-Arthur, Jean, 1987-1988
6. Honorary Degree-Atwood, Margaret, 1986
7. Honorary Degree-Bradbury, Ray, 1982-1983
8. Honorary Degree-Block, Paul, 1985
9. Honorary Degree-Boyle, Kay, 1986
10. Honorary Degree-Bryan, Ashel, 1985
11. Honorary Degree-Buckley, William, 1987
12. Honorary Degree-Celeste, Richard, 1985-1988
13. Honorary Degree-Daniel, Walter, 1986-1987
14. Honorary Degree-Day, Doris, 1985
15. Honorary Degree-Evans, William, 1984, 1988
16. Honorary Degree-Glenn, John and Anna, 1985
17. Honorary Degree-Goutierre, Thomas, 1985, 1989
18. Honorary Degree-Greeley, Andrew, 1986
19. Honorary Degree-Kim, Dr. Lyun Joon, 1979
20. Honorary Degree-Kobacker, Marvin, 1985
21. Honorary Degree-L’Amour, Louis, 1988
22. Honorary Degree-Latta, Delbert L. , 1987-1988
23. Honorary Degree-Maillet, Antonine, 1987-1988
24. Honorary Degree-McMaster, Helen, 1988
25. Honorary Degree-Merrifield, Bruce, 1985-1986

Box 64:

1. Honorary Degree-Miscellaneous, 1966-1984, n.d.
2. Honorary Degree-Rendell, Ruth, 1985
3. Honorary Degree-Rogers, Fred, 1984-1985
4. Honorary Degree-Schoppler, Otto, 1977
5. Honorary Degree-Senghor, President Leopold S., 1976-1982
6. Honorary Degree-Stewart, Potter, 1982
7. Honorary Degree-Sturzl, Erwin (Dr.), 1978-1979
8. Honorary Degree-Trustee Action, 1970-1979
9. Honorary Degree-Wagner, Linda , 1985
10. Honorary Degree-Wakefield, Theodore, 1985
11. Honorary Degree-Wallace, Irving, 1973, 1982
12. Honorary Degree-Weil, Dr. Rolf, 1985
13. Honors Program, 1988-1993
14. House Select Committee on Education, 1987-1988

Box 65:

1. Housing-New Faculty, 1988-1991
2. Hospitality Management Program, 1983-1991
3. Human Relations Commission, 1979-1980
4. Human Relations Commission, 1981
5. Human Relations Commission, 1982-1985
6. Human Relations Commission, 1986
7. Ice Arena Seating Expansion, 1988
8. Inauguration Invitations, 1987-1988
9. Inauguration Invitations, 1989-1990

Box 66:

1. Inauguration Invitations, 1992
2. Inauguration Invitations, 1993-1994
3. Inauguration Invitations, 1994-1995
4. Inauguration Invitations, 1996
5. Inauguration Invitations, 1997
6. Initiatives, 1995
7. Institute for Great Lakes Research, 1983-1987

Box 67:

1. Institutional Studies, 1988-1991
2. Insurance Committee, 1982-1987
3. Insurance, Group Health, 1980-1984
4. Insurance, Group Health, 1985-1990
5. Insurance-Health Care Benefits, 1991-1997
6. Internal Auditing, 1984-1986
7. Internal Auditing, 1987-1990

Box 68:

1. International Capital Goods Trade Fair, 1985
2. International Education, 1990
3. International Education, 1991
4. International Education-CUIDES, 1991
5. International Programs, 1982-1983
6. International Programs, 1984-1985

Box 69:

1. International Programs, 1986-1987
2. International Programs, 1987-1989
3. International Programs, 1990-1991
4. International Programs, 1992-1996
5. International Programs-Florence School of Art, 1990
6. IUC-Advocacy Committee, 1984-1985
7. IUC-Advocacy Position Paper, 1980-1981
8. IUC-Advocacy Position Paper, 1984-1985
9. IUC-Advocacy Task Force, Statewide, 1992
10. IUC-Affirmative Action, 1973-1977

Box 70:

1. IUC-Agency Rules, 1975-1978
2. IUC-Amended Substitute House Bill No. 291, 1983
3. IUC-Articulation, 1990
4. IUC-Budget, 1975-1976
5. IUC-Budget, 1979-May 1981
6. IUC-Budget, July 1981-December 1981
7. IUC-Budget, 1982
8. IUC-Budget, 1983-1985

Box 71:

1. IUC-Budget, 1986-May 1987
2. IUC-Budget, June 1987-October 1987
3. IUC-Budget, Executive, 1988-January 1989
4. IUC-Budget, Executive, February-April 1989
5. IUC-Budget, Executive, May-September 1989

Box 72:

1. IUC-Budget Information, 1991-1992
2. IUC-Business – Technology Interface, 1982
3. IUC-Cash Flow, 1975-1976
4. IUC-Christman Subcommittee, 1979
5. IUC-Civil Service Pay Increases, 1974, 1978
6. IUC-Code of Ethics-Student Recruitment, 1974-1978
7. IUC-Debt Service, 1995
8. IUC-Directorship, 1978, 1996
9. IUC-Gilbertson, Eric, 1978
10. IUC-Impact Study, 1988-1989
11. IUC-Institutional Advancement Officers, 1973-1976
12. IUC-Institutional Autonomy, 1975
13. IUC-Labor Relations Committee, 1985-1988
14. IUC-Legal Services Program, Student, 1980
15. IUC-Legislative Districts, 1979
16. IUC-Legislative Position Paper, 1975-1978
17. IUC- Membership, 1974

Box 73:

1. IUC-Minutes, Annotated, 1979-1983
2. IUC-Minutes, Annotated, 1984-1986
3. IUC-Minutes, Annotated, 1987-1991
4. IUC- Miscellaneous, 1971-1981
5. IUC-Miscellaneous, 1982-1984
6. IUC-Miscellaneous, 1985-1987

Box 74:

1. IUC-Miscellaneous, 1988-1996
2. IUC-Ohio Instructional Grants, 1974-1975
3. IUC-Private Higher Education, 1974-1981
4. IUC-Public Opinion Survey, 1977-1979
5. IUC-Retreat, 1992
6. IUC-Salary Studies, 1971-1988
7. IUC-State Auditor, 1975
8. IUC-Student Fees, 1974-1980
9. IUC-Teacher Education Standards, 1974-1979
10. Invitations, 1994

Box 75:

1. Journalism, School of, 1987-1988
2. Journalist in Space-Craig Covault, 1985
3. Kent State University, 1981-1986
4. Kitahara, Kiyo, 1980-1982
5. Latino Concerns, 1980
6. Latino Concerns-Black Student Body Statement, 1980
7. Latino Concerns-Equal Opportunity Committee, 1979-1980

Box 76:

1. Latino Concerns-Task Force Report, 1980
2. Latta, Delbert L. (Congressman), 1971-1981
3. Latta, Delbert L. (Congressman), 1982-1988
4. Law Enforcement Foundation, 1988-1990
5. Legislation, Federal, 1975-1991
6. Legislation, Federal, 1992-1997

Box 77:

1. Legislation, National, 1983-1987
2. Legislation, State, 1977-1986
3. Legislation, State, 1987
4. Legislation, State, 1988
5. Legislation, State, 1989
6. Legislation, State, 1990-1991

Box 78:

1. Legislation, State, 1992
2. Legislation, State, 1993
3. Legislation, State, 1994
4. Legislation, State, 1995
5. Legislation, State, 1996
6. Legislation, State, 1997
7. Levis Regional Computer Center, 1969-1971
8. Levis Regional Computer Center, 1972
9. Levis Regional Computer Center, 1973-1974

Box 79:

1. Levis Regional Computer Center, 1982-1983
2. Levis Regional Computer Center, 1984-1986
3. Library, 1982-1985
4. Library, 1986-1987
5. Library, 1988
6. Library, 1989

Box 80:

1. Library, 1990-1992
2. Library, 1993-1995
3. Library, 1996-1997
4. Long-Range Planning Committee, 1980-1986
5. Loraine Journal, 1987
6. McDonald, Ralph-Events, 1960-1961
7. McFall-Furniture from BGSU Presidents, 1977
8. McFall-Gallery, 1982-1991
9. McFall Renovations, 1983-1984
10. McMaster Institute, 1985-1988

Box 81:

1. Mason, Phil, 1982-1985
2. Mason, Phil, 1986-1987
3. Mass Communication, School of, 1984-1988
4. Mathematics and Statistics, Department of, 1982-1987
5. Medical College of Ohio, 1982-1988
6. Medical College of Ohio, 1989-1991
7. Medical College of Ohio, 1992-1993
8. Medical College of Ohio, 1994-1996
9. Miami University, 1982-1987

Box 82:

1. Microwave-Telecom Tower, 1983
2. Mid-American Conference, 1982-1984
3. Mid-American Conference, 1985-1988
4. Mid-American Conference, 1989-1990
5. Mid-American Conference, 1991-1992
6. Mid-American Conference, 1993
7. Mid-American Conference, 1994-1997

Box 83:

1. Mid-American National Bank and Trust, Co., 1989-1994
2. Mileti, Nick J., 1977-1982
3. Minority Affairs, 1975-1981
4. Minority Affairs, 1982
5. Minority Affairs, 1983
6. Minority Affairs, 1984
7. Minority Affairs, 1985
8. Minority Affairs, 1986

Box 84:

1. Minority Affairs, 1987-1988
2. Minority Affairs, 1989-1990
3. Minority Affairs – Task Force, 1984
4. Mosely, Edwin Lincoln – Foundation, 1962-1981
5. Musical Arts, College of, 1982-1988
6. Musical Arts, College of, 1989-1990
7. Musical Arts, College of, 1991

Box 85:

1. Musical Arts, College of, 1992-1993
2. Musical Arts, College of, 1994-1996
3. Musical Arts, College of, 1997
4. Naming Buildings/Facilities – Historical, 1965-1983
5. Naming Buildings/Facilities – Iris Andrews Pool, 1979-1985
6. Naming Buildings/Facilities – Forrest Creason Golf Course, 1982
7. Naming Buildings/Facilities – Eppler Complex, 1969-1979
8. Naming Buildings/Facilities – Hooley Conference Room, 1979
9. Naming Buildings/Facilities – Theodore Jensen Auditorium, 1983
10. Naming Buildings/Facilities – James P. Kennedy Green Room, 1982-1983
11. Naming Buildings/Facilities – Kobacher Hall, 1979
12. Naming Buildings/Facilities – Lenhart Grand Ballroom, 1985
13. Naming Buildings/Facilities – McBride Auditorium, 1983
14. Naming Buildings/Facilities – Mileti Alumni Building, 1978-1979
15. Naming Buildings/Facilities – Ogg Science Library, 1969, 1979
16. Naming Buildings/Facilities – Eva Marie Saint Theatre, 1984-1985

Box 86:

1. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1970-1982
2. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1983
3. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), January-June 1984
4. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1988-1995
5. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), July-September 1984
6. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1985
7. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1986

Box 87:

1. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1987
2. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1981-1982
3. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1983
4. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1984
5. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1985
6. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1986
7. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1987
8. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1988

Box 88:

1. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1989
2. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1990
3. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1991
4. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1992
5. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1993
6. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), January-May 1993
7. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), June-December 1993
8. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1995

Box 89:

1. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Convention, 1992-1993
2. National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), 1982-1986
3. National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), 1987
4. National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), 1988-1992
5. National Merit Scholars, 1987
6. National Merit Scholars, 1988
7. National Merit Scholars, 1989
8. National Merit Scholars, 1990-1991

Box 90:

1. National Science Foundation, 1982-1987
2. National Science Foundation, 1988-1991
3. Network BG Program, 1983
4. Network BG Program, January-February 1984
5. Network BG Program, March 1984-September 1986
6. Network BG Program Outreach Data, December 1982-March 1983

Box 91:

1. Network BG Program Outreach Data, April-July 1983
2. Network BG Program Outreach Data, August-September 1983
3. Network BG Program Outreach Data, October 1983-1987
4. North Central Association, 1981-1983
5. North Central Association, 1984
6. North Central Association, 1985
7. North Central Association, 1986

Box 92:

1. North Central Association, 1987-1989
2. North Central Association, 1990-1991
3. North Central Association, 1992
4. North Central Association, January-March 1993
5. North Central Association, April 1993-1996
6. Norwalk Virus Outbreak, 1985-1986
7. Ohio Auditor of State, 1971-1981
8. Ohio Center for Governmental Research and Public Service (Ohio Rural Universities), 1989

Box 93:

1. Ohio Center for Governmental Research and Public Service (Ohio Rural Universities), 1990
2. Ohio Center for Governmental Research and Public Service (Ohio Rural Universities), 1991
3. Ohio Civil Service Employees, 1973-1979
4. Ohio College Association, 1983-1988
5. Ohio Department of Education, 1982-1986
6. Ohio Department of Education, 1988-1990
7. Ohio Governor, 1986-1989
8. Ohio Governor, 1990-1995

Box 94:

1. Ohio Rural Universities, 1985-1988
2. Ohio State University (OSU), 1982-1986
3. Ohio State University (OSU), 1986-1989
4. Ohio State University (OSU), 1990-1995
5. Olscamp - Biographical Information, 1996, 1997
6. Olscamp – Farewell, 1994, 1995
7. Olscamp Hall, 1994
8. Olscamp – Memos, 1990-1995
9. Olscamp – Political Correctness, 1994

Box 95:

1. Olscamp Speeches, 1988-1994
2. Olscamp – Travel, Europe, 1994-1995
3. Opening Day, 1988-1991
4. Operating and Accounting Procedures, November 1969
5. Operating and Accounting Procedures, February 1970
6. Operations, Vice President for, January-May 1988
7. Operations, Vice President for, June-September 1988
8. Operations, Vice President for, November-December 1988

Box 96:

1. Operations, Vice President for, January-May 1989
2. Operations, Vice President for, June-December 1989
3. Operations, Vice President for, January-July 1990
4. Operations, Vice President for, August-December 1990
5. Operations, Vice President for, 1991
6. Operations, Vice President for, 1992
7. Operations, Vice President for, 1993

Box 97:

1. Operations, Vice President for, 1994
2. Operations, Vice President for, 1995-1996
3. Operations, Vice President for – Search, 1988
4. Organizational Charts, 1992, 1994
5. Overman, J. Roberts (Estate), 1978-1982
6. Parking Committee, 1982-1987
7. Patent Policy, 1930-1967
8. Patent Policy, 1983-1984
9. Peat Marwick Inc., 1983-1988

Box 98:

1. Personnel Services, 1985-1989
2. Personnel Services, 1990
3. Personnel Services, 1991
4. Personnel Services, 1992
5. Personnel Services, February-September 1993
6. Personnel Services, October-December 1993
7. Personnel Services, 1994

Box 99:

1. Personnel Services, 1995
2. Personnel Services – Advisory Committee, 1972-1992
3. Personnel Services – Classified Staff – Benefits, 1967-1985
4. Personnel Services – Study Group, 1988-1989
5. Phi Beta Kappa, 1978-1986
6. Philosopher’s Index: Memorandum of Agreement, 1967-1969, n.d.
7. Philosophy, Applied Ph.D. Program, 1985-1988
8. Philosophy, Department of, 1982
9. Philosophy, Department of, 1983
10. Philosophy, Department of, 1984

Box 100:

1. Philosophy, Department of, 1985-1987
2. Philosophy, Department of, 1988
3. Philosophy – MA Program and Needmor Foundation, 1978-1980
4. Physical Sciences Lab Building, June 1976-April 1978
5. Physical Sciences Lab Building, May 1978-March 1978
6. Planning and Budgeting, Vice President for, 1987
7. Planning and Budgeting, Vice President for, 1988
8. Planning and Budgeting, Vice President for, January-May 1989

Box 101:

1. Planning and Budgeting, Vice President for, June-December 1989
2. Planning and Budgeting, Vice President for, 1990
3. Planning and Budgeting, Vice President for, January-June 1991
4. Planning and Budgeting, Vice President for, July-December 1991
5. Planning and Budgeting, Vice President for, 1992
6. Planning and Budgeting, Vice President for, 1993, 1994
7. Planning and Budgeting, Vice President for, 1995-1996

Box 102:

1. Plant Operations and Maintenance, 1982-1995
2. Political Science, Department of, 1982-1986
3. Policy Statement - Student Evaluation of Faculty, 1979
4. Popular Culture, Department of, 1982-1987
5. President, Administrative Advisor to the, 1977-1980
6. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, 1981-1983
7. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, 1984
8. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, January-June 1985

Box 103:

1. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, July-December 1985
2. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, January-May 1986
3. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, June-December 1986
4. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, January-June 1987
5. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, July-December 1987
6. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, 1988

Box 104:

1. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, 1989
2. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, 1990
3. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, 1991
4. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, 1992
5. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, 1993
6. President’s Letters to Faculty/Staff, 1995-1997
7. President’s Panel, 1982-1988

Box 105:

1. President’s Personal Information, 1977-1995
2. President’s Residence, 1970-1981
3. Program Review Committee, 1986-1987
4. Property Insurance, 1988
5. Property Use and Disposal Policy, 1983-1984
6. Provost Associate-Ramona Cormier, 1978-1983
7. Psychology, Department of, 1982-1984
8. Psychology, Department of, 1985-1987

Box 106:

1. Psychology, Department of, 1988-1989
2. Psychology, Department of, 1990-1991
3. Public Relations, 1983-1985
4. Public Relations, 1986-1988
5. Public Relations, 1989-1991
6. Public Relations, 1992-1996

Box 107:

1. Public Safety, Department of, 1983-1985
2. Public Safety, Department of, 1986-1987
3. Public Safety, Department of, 1988-1990
4. Public Safety, Department of, 1991
5. Public Safety, Department of, 1992-1995
6. Purchasing Policy and Manual, 1986
7. Questionnaires, 1990-1992

Box 108:

1. Questionnaires, 1993-1994
2. Racial Tensions, 1979-1980
3. Rankings, 1990-1991
4. Reconfiguration, 1984-1985
5. Recruitment and Retention/Minority and Non-Traditional Students, 1980-1982
6. Recruitment and Retention/Minority and Non-Traditional Students, 1983-1984
7. Redden Symposium, 1987-1988

Box 109:

1. Registration and Records, 1988-1995
2. Renovations- McFall, 1994-1995
3. Research Activities/Comparable, 1983-1984
4. Research Enterprise Park, 1987-September 1988
5. Research Enterprise Park, October-December 1988
6. Research Enterprise Park, January-March 1989

Box 110:

1. Research Enterprise Park, April-May 1989
2. Research Enterprise Park, June-December 1989
3. Research Enterprise Park, 1990
4. Research Enterprise Park, 1991
5. Research Enterprise Park-Annexation, 1989
6. Research Enterprise Park-Edgewater Co., 1988-1989
7. Research Enterprise Park-Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1989-1990
8. Research Enterprise Park-Hotel, 1989

Box 111:

1. Research Enterprise Park-Hotel, 1990-1991
2. Research Enterprise Park-Leases, 1988
3. Research Enterprise Park-Mid-Am, 1988-1991
4. Research Enterprise Park-Utility Easem*nt and Right of Way for City of BG, 1989-1990
5. Research Enterprise Park-Vista Development Inc., 1989
6. ROTC (Reserved Officers Training Co.), 1990-1991
7. Rochester, University of, 1991
8. Role and Mission Statement Committee, 1982-1983

Box 112:

1. Role and Mission Statement Committee, January-March 1984
2. Role and Mission Statement Committee, April-May 1984
3. Romance Languages, Department of, 1987-1990
4. Roundtable (Presidential), 1974-1981
5. Russian Exchange – Mendeleev Institute, 1990-September 1991
6. Russian Exchange – Mendeleev Institute, October-1991-1995
7. Safety Committee, 1983
8. Salary Compression Committee, 1984

Box 113:

1. Salary Increments-President’s Ad Hoc Committee, 984-1986
2. Salary Increment Policy Report and Comments, 1985-1986
3. Scholarship-Lubrizol Foundation, 1969-1987
4. Scholarship-National Merit, 1967-1977
5. Scholarship-National Merit, 1978-1981
6. Scholarship-National Merit, 1982-1984

Box 114:

1. Scholarship-Ohio Academic, 1978-1982
2. Scholarship-Presidential Honors, 1975-1978
3. Scholarship-Presidential Honors, 1979-1985
4. Scholarship-President’s Achievement, 1970-1976
5. Scholarship-President’s Achievement, 1977-1984
6. Scholarship-Presser Foundation, 1974-1987
7. Scholarship-Trustees, 1974-1977

Box 115:

1. Scholarship-Trustees, 1978-1983
2. Scholarship-University Achievement, 1974-1978
3. Scholarship-University Achievement, 1979-1982
4. 75th Anniversary, 1980-1982
5. 75th Anniversary, 1983
6. 75th Anniversary, 1984

Box 116:

1. 75th Anniversary, 1985
2. 75th Anniversary, 1986-1987
3. Sexual Harassment Policy, 1980-1981
4. Signage-Highway, 1987-1989
5. Smoking Regulations on Campus, 1976-1988
6. Smoking Regulations on Campus, January-June 1989
7. Smoking Regulations on Campus, July-August 1989

Box 117:

1. Smoking Regulations on Campus, September-December 1989
2. Social Philosophy and Policy Center, 1986-1987
3. Social Philosophy and Policy Center, 1988-1989
4. Social Philosophy and Policy Center, 1990
5. Social Philosophy and Policy Center, 1991
6. Sociology, Department of, 1988-1991
7. Space Cadets, 1996-1997
8. Speech Communications Association, 1995

Box 118:

1. Speech Communications Association, 1996
2. Stadium Bleachers, 1986
3. Staff Meeting, 1995-1997
4. Standing Meetings, 1995-1998 (scattered)
5. Strategic Planning Committee, 1984-1987
6. Status of Women and Minorities Committee, 1982-1983
7. Student Affairs - Health Services, 1976-1986

Box 119:

1. Student Affairs – Pre-Registration, 1987-1990
2. Student Affairs – Residential Services, 1988-1990
3. Student Affairs – Student Participation in University Government, 1992
4. Student Affairs –Search for Vice President, 1983
5. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1983-1984
6. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1985
7. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1986

Box 120:

1. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1987
2. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1988
3. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1989
4. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1990
5. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1991
6. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1992
7. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1993

Box 121:

1. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1994
2. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1995
3. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1996
4. Student Affairs, Vice President for, 1997
5. Student Code Revisions, 1977-1978
6. Student Code Revisions, 1983

Box 122:

1. Student Code Revisions, 1984
2. Student Code Revisions, 1989
3. Student Code Revisions, 1990
4. Student Financial Aid and Employment, 1982
5. Student Financial Aid and Employment, 1983
6. Student Financial Aid and Employment, 1984
7. Student Financial Aid and Employment, 1985-1986
8. Student Financial Aid and Employment, 1987

Box 123:

1. Student Financial Aid and Employment, 1988
2. Student Financial Aid and Employment, 1989
3. Student Financial Aid and Employment, 1990
4. Student Financial Aid and Employment, 1991-1993
5. Student Legal Services, 1980-1983
6. Student Legal Services, 1984-1988
7. Student Open Forum, 1988-1992

Box 124:

1. Student Publications, 1979-1985
2. Student Recreation Center, 1984-199
3. Student Residential Services, 1982-1984
4. Student Residential Services, 1985-1987
5. Study Abroad Program, 1981-1986
6. Study Abroad Program, 1987-1991

Box 125:

1. Sunshine Law, 1975-1979
2. Support Services and Minority Needs, 1983-1984
3. Trustees, 1972-1984
4. Trustees, 1985-1990
5. Trustees, 1991-1992
6. Trustees, 1993
7. Task Force on Tax Policy, 1986
8. Technology, College of, 1982-1983

Box 126:

1. Technology, College of, 1984-1989
2. Technology, College of, 1990-1992
3. Technology, College of, 1993-1997
4. Telecom Interconnect Project, 1983-1985
5. Telecommunications, 1987-1988
6. Theatre Department, 1987-1991
7. Three-o-nine (309) Committee, 1985-1987

Box 127:

1. Three-o-nine (309) Committee, 1988
2. Three-o-nine (309) Committee House Bill Proposal, 1987
3. Timken Company Scholarship Selection Committee, 1985-1989
4. Toledo Area Private Industry Council, 1984-1986
5. Toledo Chamber of Commerce, 1992-1997
6. Toledo Community and Cultural Arts, 1984-1988
7. Toledo Symphony Orchestra, 1988-1997
8. Toledo, University of, 1968-1973
9. Toledo, University of, 1974
10. Toledo, University of, 1975-1981

Box 128:

1. Toledo, University of, 1982-1986
2. Toledo, University of, 1987-1989
3. Toledo, University of, 1990-1991
4. Travel Center, 1985
5. Travel Center, 1986
6. Travel Center, 1987
7. Travel Regulations, 1969-1984
8. Treasurer, 1982-1984

Box 129:

1. Treasurer, 1985-1988
2. Treasurer, 1989-1991
3. Tuition Increase, 1988
4. Undergraduate Student Government, 1981-1985
5. Undergraduate Student Government, 1986-1987
6. Undergraduate Student Government, 1988-1990
7. Undergraduate Student Government, 1991-1994
8. Undergraduate Student Government-Ad Hoc Committee to Review USG Constitution, 1981-1986

Box 130:

1. Undergraduate Student Government-Compensation, 1986
2. Undergraduate Student Government/Student Government Association- Revised Constitution, 1978
3. United States Department of Education, 1980-1985
4. United States Department of Education, 1986-1988
5. United States Department of Education, 1989-1991
6. United Way, 1988-1996
7. University Bookstore, 1980-1983
8. University Computer Services, 1983, 1988
9. University of California, Los Angeles-Faculty Study, 1989

Box 131:

1. University of California, Los Angeles-Faculty Study, 1990
2. University Relations, Vice President for, 1985, 1988
3. University Relations, Vice President for, 1989
4. University Relations, Vice President for, January-July 1990
5. University Relations, Vice President for, August-December 1990
6. University Relations, Vice President for, January-June 1991
7. University Relations, Vice President for, July-December 1991

Box 132:

1. University Relations, Vice President for, 1992
2. University Relations, Vice President for, 1993
3. University Relations, Vice President for, 1994-1996
4. University Seal, 1961-1988
5. University Task Force on Computing, 1983-1984
6. University Union, 1983-1987
7. University Union Advisory Committee, 1982-1988
8. WBGU, 1980-1984

Box 133:

1. WBGU, 1985-1988
2. WBGU, 1989-1991
3. WBGU-TV Public Advisory Council (PACT), 1980-1989
4. WBGU-TV RD Satellite Terminal Location, 1976-1978
5. WBGU-Transmitter/Antenna System, 1985
6. West Hall Renovation, 1983-1985
7. Western Washington University, 1983-1991
8. Wilcox, Michael R. – Wilcox Financial, 1983-1990
9. Williams Hall Renovations/Re-Dedication, 1984-1989
10. Women’s Studies, 1981-1986
11. Wood Cable TV, 1986-1987
12. Wood County Regional Airport, 1983-1989
13. York University (Canada), 1989

UA 002H - Office of the President (Paul J. Olscamp) Records, 1965-1999 (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.