Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) (2024)

Dr. Ankur Verma

Associate Professor

Department/School/Unit Name

Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology

Phone No(s): +91 542 716 5221

Email: ankurv [dot] che [at] iitbhu [dot] ac [dot] in

Area of Interest: Micro- and nano-fabrication, Colloids and interfacial science, instabilities in polymeric thin-films, nanostructured soft materials, microfluidics, micro/nano lenses and environmental biotechnology

  • Education and Professional Experience
  • Publications
  • Awards and Honours
  • Teaching and Guidance
  • Research Grants
  • Associate Professor (2023-till date)Chemical Engineering and Technology, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India.
  • Assistant Professor (2015-2023) Chemical Engineering and Technology, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (2012-2014) Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.
  • PhD (2011) Chemical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India.
  • M.Tech. (2004) Materials Science, IIT Kanpur, India.
  • B.Tech. (2002) Chemical Engineering, BIET Jhansi, India.

In peer reviewed journals:

  1. Shubham Mishra and Ankur Verma, "Variable density wrinkling in polymer thin film by gradient stress induced in the elastomeric substrate",Bulletin of Materials Science2024, 47, 94.
  2. Kanhaiya Lal Maurya, Ganesh Swain, Mohit Kumar, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Ankur Verma andRam Sharan Singh "Biodegradation of Congo Red Dye Using Lysinibacillus Species in a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor: Continuous Study and Kinetic Evaluation"Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2023, 195, 5267–5279.
  3. Kanhaiya Lal Maurya, Mohit Kumar, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Vivek Kumar Jaiswal, Ankur Verma andRam Sharan Singh "Enhancement of azo dye bioremediation using chemically modified polypropylene biocarrier: Comparative analysis and kinetic modeling"Bioresource Technology Reports2023, 21, 101375.
  4. Priti Yadav, Nidhi Dubeyand Ankur Verma"Controlling Lengthscales in Water-Solvent Induced Self-Organized Dewetting of Thin Polystyrene Films by Modulating the Surface Properties of the Substrate",Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B2022,61 (7-8), 914-925.
  5. Kanhaiya Lal Maurya, Ganesh Swain, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Ankur Verma and Ram Sharan Singh "Biodegradation of Congo red dye using polyurethane foam-based biocarrier combined with activated carbon and sodium alginate: Batch and continuous study",Bioresource Technology2022, 351, 126999.
  6. Naval Singh, Ankur Verma, Priyanka Sachan, Ashutosh Sharma and ManishM. Kulkarni "Self-Organized Wrinkling in Thin Polymer Films Under Solvent-non-solvent Solutions: Patterning Strategy for Microfluidic Applications",ACS Applied Polymer Materials2021, 3(12), 6198-6206.
  7. Amrita Shahi, Padmanaban Velayudhaperumal Chellam, Ankur Verma and R. S. Singh "A comparative study on the performance of microbial fuel cell for the treatment of reactive orange 16 dye using mixed and pure bacterial species and its optimization using response surface methodology"Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments2021,48, 101667.
  8. Kanhaiya LalMaurya,GaneshSwain,Ravi KumarSonwani,AnkurVermaandRam SharanSingh, "Bioremediation of Congo red in an anaerobic moving bed bioreactor: Process optimization and kinetic modeling",Bioresource Technology Reports2021, 16, 100843.
  9. Shubham Mishra, Manish M. Kulkarni and Ankur Verma, "High-Resolution Imaging and Fast Number Estimation of Suspended Particles using Dewetted Polymer Microlenses in a Microfluidic Channel",Micron2021, 151, 103148(1-6).
  10. Amrita Shahi, Padmanaban V. Chellam, Ram S. Singh and Ankur Verma, "Biodegradation of reactive red 120 in microbial fuel cell by Staphylococcus equoruma RAP2: Statistical modelling and process optimization",Journal of Water Process Engineering2021, 40, 101913.
  11. Priti Yadav and Ankur Verma, "Intensified Dewetting of Polystyrene Thin Film under Water-Solvent Mixture: Role of Solvent Composition",Bulletin of Materials Science2020, 43, 170.
  12. Ankur Verma, Satya Sekhar, Priyanka Sachan, P. Dinesh Shankar Reddy and Ashutosh Sharma, "Control of Morphologies and Length Scales in Intensified Dewetting of Electron Beam Modified Polymer Thin Films under a Liquid Solvent Mixture",Macromolecules2015, 48, 3318-3326.
  13. Ankur Verma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Taming of Self-organization in Highly Confined Soft Matter to Sub-100 nm Scales: Nanolens-arrays by Spinodal Instability of Thin Polymer Films for High Resolution Optical Imaging",Current Science2013, 104, 1037-1045. (frontispiece)
  14. Ankur Verma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Sub-40 nm polymer dot arrays by self-organized dewetting of e-beam treated ultrathin polymer films",RSC Advances2012, 2, 2247-2249.
  15. Ankur Verma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Self-organized Nano-lens Arrays by Intensified Dewetting of Electron Beam Modified Polymer Thin-Films",Soft Matter2011, 7, 11119-11124.
  16. Ankur Verma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Submicrometer Pattern Fabrication by Intensification of Instability in Ultrathin Polymer Films under a Water-Solvent Mix",Macromolecules2011, 44, 4928-4935.
  17. Ankur Verma, Ashutosh Sharma and Giridhar U. Kulkarni, "Ultrafast Large Area Micropattern Generation in Non-absorbing Polymer Thin-Films by Pulsed Laser Diffraction",Small2011, 7, 758-765. (frontispiece)
  18. Ankur Verma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Enhanced Self-organized Dewetting of Ultrathin Polymer Films under Water-organic Solutions: Fabrication of Sub-micron Spherical Lens Arrays",Advanced Materials2010, 22, 5306-5309. (frontispiece)
  19. Chandra S. Sharma, Ankur Verma, Manish M. Kulkarni, Devendra K. Upadhyay, and Ashutosh Sharma, "Microfabrication of Carbon Structures by Pattern Miniaturization in Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Gel",ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces2010, 2, 2193-2197.
  20. Swaraj Basu, Ankur Verma, D. C. Agrawal, Y. N. Mohapatra and R. S. Katiyar, "Effect of Uniform and Periodic Doping by Ce on the Properties of Barium Strontium Titanate Thin Films",J. Electroceramics2007, 19, 229-236.
  21. Ankur Verma and K. Shahi, "Frequency Response of Mechanochemically Synthesized AgI-Ag2O-B2O3 Superionic Glasses",Indian J. Physics2005, 79, 749-752.

Book Chapters:

  1. Mohit Kumar, Ganesh Swain, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Ram Sharan Singh, AnkurVerma and Birendra Nath Rai, "Effect of operating parameters on photocatalytic degradation of dyes by using graphitic carbon nitride"Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes,Elsevier,2021, 23-43.

International Patents:

  • Ashutosh Sharma and Ankur Verma “Miniature lenses, systems and methods of making the same”. US patent 8,587,881.
  • Ashutosh Sharma, Ankur Verma and Giridhar U. Kulkarni “Micropattern generation with pulsed laser diffraction”. US patent 9,527,730.

In conferences:

  1. Ankur Verma and Rebecca Schulman, “Anisotropic Shrinkage of DNA Origami after a Wet-to-Dry Transition”, AICHE Annual Meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA (November 3-8, 2013).
  2. Ankur Verma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Large Area Patterning of Thin Polymer films by Self Organization", CHEMCON 2011, Bangalore, India (December 27-29, 2011). (Award lecture: Shah Schulman Award)
  3. Ankur Verma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Large Area Nanopatterning by Self Organized Dewetting of Ultrathin Polymer Films", 4th Bangalore Nano 2011, Bangalore, India (December 8-9, 2011).
  4. Ankur Verma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Self-Organized Nano-lens Arrays by Intensified Dewetting of Polymer Thin-film", AICHE Annual Meeting 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA (October 16-21, 2011).
  5. Ashutosh Sharma and Ankur Verma "Self-organized fabrication of nanolens and lens-arrays: Raising the bar on dewetting of thin films", 242nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Denver, CO, USA (August 28-September 1, 2011)
  6. Ankur Verma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Self Organized Polymer Microlenses for Sub-diffraction Limit Microscopy", European Conference on Biomedical Optics, Munich, Germany (May 22-26, 2011).
  7. Ankur Verma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Fabrication of Sub-micron Sized Spherical Micro-lenses by Controlled Dewetting of Polymer Thin-films", SPIE Photonics Europe 2010, Brussels, Belgium (April 12-16, 2010).
  8. Ankur Verma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Solvent Vapor Assisted Directed Dewetting of Polymer Thin-films for Large Area Patterning", 2009 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Houston, TX, USA (May 3-7, 2009).
  9. Ankur Verma, Ashutosh Sharma and Giridhar U. Kulkarni, "Generation of Large Area Micro-patterns in Thin-films by Pulsed Laser Irradiation Harnessing the Diffraction of Light", 2nd International Conference on Multi-Scale Structures and Dynamics of Complex Systems: Processes and Forces for Creation of Designer Materials with Multi-Scale Structures, Bangalore, India (September 4-5, 2008).
  10. Ankur Verma, Ashutosh Sharma, Sruthi Muralidharan and Giridhar U Kulkarni, "Ultrafast Micro-patterning of Polystyrene Thin films by Structured Light Illumination", Future Directions in Advanced Materials Research 2008 (FDAMR 08), Shimla, India (April 16-19, 2008).
  11. Ankur Verma, Manish M. Kulkarni, Chandra S. Sharma and Ashutosh Sharma, "Submicron Patterning of Resorcinol Formaldehyde Gels and Miniaturization for C-MEMS", International Conference on Nano Science and Technology 2008 (ICONSAT-08), Chennai, India (February 26-28, 2008).

Invited lectures:

  1. Ankur Verma, Optofluidics: Making Bio-inspired microscope, STTP on Intelligent BioMEMS, IIIT Allahabad (September 25, 2020) Invited Lecture.
  2. Ankur Verma, Fluidic Nanolenses: Zooming in made affordable, ICSM-2018, MNIT Jaipur (December 14, 2018) Invited talk.
  3. Ankur Verma, Microscopy:Seeing is believing, NWNTD-2018, IIT Guwahati (February 27, 2018). Invited lecture.
  4. Ankur Verma, DMSRDE Kanpur, Nanofabrication: Doing it natures way, CEP Talk, India (August 8, 2017). Invited lecture.
  5. Ankur Verma, GISAXS studies on thin polymer films and bilayers. PETRA III users meeting, DESY Hamburg, Germany (May 9, 2017). Invited talk.
  6. Ankur Verma¸ Nano-fabrication beyond Lithography, Chemference 2015, IIT Hyderabad, India (December 4-6, 2015). Invited talk.
  7. Ankur Verma¸ “Nano-fabrication: Top down meets bottom up”, IIT Bombay, India (July 5, 2014). Invited talk.
  • DST-INSA Inspire Faculty Fellowship in Engineering and Technology, 2011. (INSA)
  • Malhotra Weikfield Foundation - Nanoscience Fellowship, 2011 (4th Bangalore Nano).
  • Shah-Schulman Award for the best PhD Thesis in the area of Colloid and Interface Sciences, 2011 (IICHE).
  • Intellectual Ventures Invention Award (Invention ID: IN-811947), 2011.
  • SPIE student travel grant, SPIE Photonics Europe 2010, Brussels.
  • Winner of the best student poster award, ICONSAT 2008. (DST Nano Mission)
  • Best poster award, 6th National Conference on Solid State Ionics 2004.

Designed following courses:

  1. Properties of Engineering Materials (UG)
  2. Polymer Science and technology (UG)
  3. Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (PG)
  4. Polymer Rheology (PG)
  5. Fundamentals of Microfluidics (PG)

Taught Following courses:

  1. Properties of Engineering Materials (UG) (Odd semester 2016 and 2017)
  2. Polymer Science and Technology (UG) (Even semester 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021)
  3. Surface coatings (UG) (Even semester 2017)
  4. Transport Phenomena (UG) (Odd semester 2018, 2019 and 2020)
  5. Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (PG) (Even semester 2019)
  6. Air Pollution Control Technology (UG and PG) (Odd semester 2021 and 2022)
  7. Industrial Pollution and Control Technology (UG) (Even semester 2022, 2024, Odd semester 2023)
  8. Water Pollution Control Technology (UG and PG) (Even semester 2023)
  9. Instrumental Analysis and Analytical Techniques (PG) (Even semester 2023)
  10. Polymer Rheology (PG) (Odd semester 2023)
  11. Fundamentals of Microfluidics (UG and PG) (Odd semester 2024)

PhD awarded : 03

M.Tech awarded : 13

Currently guiding one PhD and two M.Tech. students...

  1. SERB Young Researcher Early career Grant (2016-20), ₹5 million. "Fabrication of Low-cost High-throughput Flow Cytometer using Tunable Nanolenses".
  2. IIT(BHU) Seed grant for new Faculty Members (2015-16), ₹1 million. "Setting up Nanofabrication Laboratory".
  3. DST-DESY project for PETRA III beamline (2016-17). "Evolution of self-organized nano-size droplets by dewetting of ultrathin polymer films-in-situ time dependent GISAXS study".
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) (2024)


What is IIT BHU famous for? ›

IIT BHU was founded in 1919 as Banaras Engineering College by Madan Mohan Malviya. IIT Varanasi is approved by UGC and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). IIT BHU is known for its experienced and academically rich faculty and placements. IIT BHU has more than 300 faculties.

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In 2012, the Government of India officially converted IT(BHU) into IIT (BHU), Varanasi and since then, IIT(BHU) is an independent academic organization contributing towards nation building.

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Indian Institute of Technology BHU Varanasi (IIT BHU Varanasi) is one of the top public universities in Varanasi, India. It is ranked #=531 in QS World University Rankings 2025.

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Placements: IIT BHU has one of the best placements among the top IITs. Currently, IIT Bhu Placements 2023 is being held and around 474 offers and 305 PPOs have been made. IIT BHU's highest CTC was recorded at INR 1.2 CPA. A total of 117 recruiters took part in IIT BHU Placements 2023.

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Alumnus of: IIT BHU, Civil Engineering A writer, comedian, poet, lyricist, and filmmaker, he is known for Gangs of Wasseypur, Udta Punjab, Dum Laga Ke Haisha, Fun, Newton, Dunki and more.

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Banaras Hindu University is one of the top universities in Varanasi, India. It is ranked #1001-1200 in QS World University Rankings 2025.

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The Faculty is highly qualified and well trained with many more years of experience. Many publishers and authors are a part of the faculty of this college. They provide good mentorship to the students and guide them well for ahead of their careers.

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Indeed, this is not the first time that students in BHU have staged a protest against an unsafe campus for girls and women. In 2017, BHU students staged a dharna in the campus against the alleged victim-blaming of a female student who was molested by two unknown persons while she was returning to her hostel.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.